Chapter Sixty-Two: Nightmare

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Ikuto's POV

I couldn't believe I had let that happen. I let Akane get the point that she lost consciousness due to blood loss; all because I was blinded momentarily.

It was all my fault.

I couldn't control my instincts, my vampire instincts. I tried my best to accept it, accept what I now was and forget about it. Forget so I wouldn't be tortured, even though I had already accepted what happened to me.

Does that make sense?

Now Akane was hurt because of it. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I should've died instantly so this wouldn't have happened. However, Akane would then grieve and I didn't want that. But seeing her in this state was so much worse.

There she was, laying sound asleep with her wounds wrapped tightly, to stop the bleeding. It pained me to see that none of her wounds were healing when they should've been. She's a Pureblood after all, so her wounds should've healed minutes after taking the blow.

Why aren't her wounds healing? I thought. Is she going to be okay?

The doors suddenly barged open and in ran Senri, making me instantaneously on edge. He rushed to Akane's side and grasped his hand with hers, but Akane's hand laid limp. I saw tears forming in his eyes.

"What happened...?" he croaked.

I stayed silent.

"Tell me everything."

I looked up at Senri to see his strained face. He wanted to desperately know what happened. I couldn't keep it from him. He cares for her too much. I sighed and readied to tell him the disappointing truth.

" attacked by one of Rido's minions. When I got there she told me to go find you and when I couldn't fast enough I returned with Zero. When we got there we saw Akane get stabbed and I lost control...." I gripped the part of my uniform where the sword pierced me. "I got hurt and she--I--"

Senri looked away. "You couldn't control yourself."

I shook my head. "The point is I did it. I almost got her killed. It wasn't Rido's minion, it was me."

"You would've died if she didn't give you her blood. She knew that." Senri paused and looks up at me. "For a Level C vampire like you, any place fatal for a human can easily kill you. So she gave you her pure vampire blood to save you. That's the only thing that could save you with a wound like that and she was willing to make that sacrifice, even if this happened...."

I stood abruptly and clenched my fists. "Her wounds aren't healing even though she's a Pureblood and she isn't waking up! What if she--"

"She's going to be okay," a voice suddenly boomed from the doorway.

We turned and saw Kaname making his way towards us and Akane. Senri stood.

"How do you know that?" he asked sternly.

"That weapon Sebastian harmed her with put her in an unconscious state where she's simply powerless. So her wounds aren't healing, despite her status."

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