Chapter Eighteen: Guard

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I heard slight knocking on my door and I sat up slowly, rubbing my sleepy eyes. A moment later my butler, Sebastian, walked into my room with a silver tray in his hands. He walked over to my bed and placed the tray on my lap, which was filled with delicacies.

"Good morning Lady Akane," he purred with a sly smile on his face.

"Good morning Sebastian," I said blankly. "I don't mean to trouble you but I'm not hungry today."

"But Lady--" I hushed Sebastian by putting my index finger to my lips.

"Please remember that I'm a Pureblood. In other words, you do know human food doesn't satisfy my hunger right?" I asked playfully. "I'm just getting sick of eating human food everyday."

"Would you like some blood then?" Sebastian asked.

I shook my head, "No, I'm not hungry right now. Is there anything I need to know?"

"Actually there is," Sebastian said. "But you must get ready first."

I nodded my head and motioned for Sebastian to give me some privacy. He then felt my room casually, with his hands behind his back and a smile plastered on his face. I sighed and took the covers off of me. I then went to my dresser and got out a long black dress. I went to my vanity and brushed my bedhead to show my slight curls, a trait I got from Juuri. I then exited my room, and Sebastian was of course outside of my door.

"Come," Sebastian urged, bowing and holding his hand out to me. I took his hand and within minutes he lead me to a dark room, with candles showing the only light. As we went farther in the room I noticed a coffin, and my face became twisted with rage.

"What the hell are we doing here?" I asked angerly, clenching my hands into fists.

"Your uncle would like to say something to you," Sebastian said kindly, to which I sent him a hard glare.

Sebastian then opened the coffin and that very moment a rope of blood went through his body. I cowered and felt kinda bad for Sebastian, who was now possessed by Rido. My uncle grinned at me, and I hissed under my breath.

"Hello Akane," Rido purred, caressing my cheek when I suddenly slapped his hand away fiercely. His eyes were wide for a moment, before he had his smug look which I knew all too well.

"What do you want?" I asked with my hands on my hips.

"Absolutely nothing Akane. I just came to tell you some very exciting news," Rido said.

"News from you has never been exciting," I said, crossing my arms and looking away.

Rido made Sebastian grin at me and perk my head up, making me look into his red eyes. I tried to look away, but Rido gripped my chin fiercely so I couldn't get out of his grasp.

"You've changed so much. You used to be so happy and sweet, and now your cold and stern. What happened to you while I was at rest?" Rido asked with a sweet smile on Sebastian's face.

"You," I hissed, turning my head hastily and backing away from my uncle. "You ruined my damn life."

Rido frowned at me before turning back to the coffin. He put his hands on the rim and looked down upon his unconscious body.

"You know Akane," Rido said, looking back at me. "The life I gave you is far better than the one Juuri and Haruka would've."

Before I could respond Sebastian looked back at me with both of his brown eyes, which meant Rido had left his body. I sighed and turned away from Sebastian, leaving the room. I couldn't believe Rido had said that. The life he gave me only caused me more hardship. At least with Juuri and Haruka they wouldn't have achnoledged my existence if I behaved. Which meant no more trouble and no more heartbreak. Rido? Well he just used me.

"Akane--" Sebastian started, but quickly getting cut off by me as I turned sharply at him.

"That's enough Sebastian," I said sternly. "Let me have some time alone."

I slammed the door behind me and walked angerly to the main hall. There I looked upon a shocking sight, which resulted in me becoming speechless. I stopped in my tracks and down below me was someone who had just entered the manor, and when he saw me he too became paralyzed. He actually looked to be more surprised than me, fore I didn't show my emotions a lot. But the sight now before me made me show the littlest possible.

"A-Akane," he cooed, turning to my direction.

I took a step down the stairs before I said, "It can't be. You--"

The man rushed up to me and wrapped his arms tightly around me. He then hastily let me go and looked at my face, caressing my cheek while smiling. He looked the same, and because of that I knew it was him. I just looked blankly at him before dipping my head, causing him to frown a little.

"Why are you here Ikuto?" I asked sternly.

"How are you not paralyzed?!" Ikuto exclaimed, taking his hands off of me.

"I'm a Pureblood," I cooed, smiling slyly. "Just because I couldn't use my legs before doesn't mean that with a little hard work I won't be able to walk again."

Ikuto stayed silent, looking wide eyed at me. I sighed and said sternly, "Now can you please answer my question?"

Ikuto looked down, "I'm going to be your bodyguard."

"Bodyguard for--" Before I could finish my sentence a voice boomed behind me.

"You will be enrolled into the prestigious Cross Academy. And Ikuto here will be protecting you," I looked behind me to see Sebastian standing there with a smile plastered on his lips. "Your bags are already packed and the limo is parked outside. Have fun."

So this is what Rido wanted to tell me, I thought.

"This is very last minute," I said coldly.

"Ah but Lady Akane it is essential that you expand your knowledge to other places."

I sent a hard core glare towards Sebastian before thinking, Why would Rido agree to this? Every single time I went outside I got punished! And now he thinks it's essential?!

"Come along Ikuto," I urged, grabbing Ikuto's wrist and pulling him along with me.

Once Ikuto and I sat in the limo it started to pull away. I looked in the back window and didn't see Sebastian seeing me off, which did put quiet a few questions in my mind, but I just shrugged it off. I then looked at Ikuto, who didn't look back at me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked blankly. This resulted in Ikuto looking over at me and then back down at his cupped hands.

"What happened to you?" Ikuto asked sternly, looking up at me with worrisome eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You used to be so happy, but now your stern and show no emotion," Ikuto said sadly. "What happened?"

I giggled a little and smiled slyly, "You wouldn't understand Ikuto. I've lost so much in my life, so why should I be happy about it? And every time I spoke what I believed I got in trouble, and every emotion added onto the pain." I looked down at my hands and clutched them before looking back up at Ikuto. "But you didn't make me feel pain, you helped me overcome it. And for that I'm so grateful."

I leaned to the side and rested my head on Ikuto's shoulder, taking him by surprise. My eyes started to become heavy, but before I fell into deep slumber I cooed happily, "Please never leave my side again."

And before I fell into unconsciousness I felt Ikuto's hand on my shoulder.

The picture above dictates how Akane and Ikuto were when they met. Ikuto was happy (not on a phone xD) while Akane was emotionless (wearing a dress not a turtleneck and skirt). Just wanted to clarify the photo! ^^

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