Chapter Fifty-Seven: Precious

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Akane's POV

The whole time Senri and I walked back to the dormitories our hands stayed clasped as though if we let go the other would be lost forever. That'd probably explain why my grip was so tight. We didn't look at each other, but I periodically saw Senri take a few glances my way.

I giggled under my breath.

When we arrived Senri brought me to his dorm. The ball was still going on so the Night Class students were still out. I sat down on his bed as he went over and pulled something out of his closet.

"I keep on forgetting to show this to you," Senri said gently, reaching high onto the highest shelf. He pulled out something black. "Remember this?"

Senri turned around, holding a stuffed animal in his hands. His face was lit up and I was a bit dumbfounded, until I got a good look at the toy.


Senri rushed over and sat down next to me. He placed it in my hands.

The stuffed rabbit was worn out. One of it's eyes were missing and a small hole could be seen on its leg, poorly stitched up since you could still see some of the white stuffing inside. The lace on its top hat looked a bit shredded. Overall, its seen better days.

"You got me this for my tenth birthday, remember?" Senri asked giddily.

I was speechless. All this time Senri kept this, this one thing that started it all. Why? I moved my lips but no words came out. "Y--" It was hard to speak. "You kept this...."

"Of course I did!" Senri exclaimed. "This was something you gave me. How could I get rid of it?"

Senri lifted my head to meet his eyes. "Are you....okay?"

I looked away quickly and stuttered. "Y-yeah. Why wouldn't I be? You were so happy when I gave you this. It's just that this stuffed animal started all those hardships. I was such a big idiot."

"I didn't intend to bring back bad memories for you, Akane."

I looked away, making Senri frown.

"I know you didn't. You're not that kind of person. It's me. My mind always thinks the worst about everything." As I said that memories resurfaced, making me hiss under my breath.

Senri stayed silent until he perked his head up and smiled slightly. "You know, Akane, I don't think I've ever told you what happened to me after I left."

"You were at your mothers," I said. "At least there you weren't getting hurt...."

Hurt because of me, I thought.

"Not physically, but mentally."

I looked at Senri with wide eyes as he continued.

"My mother neglected me. Most days I spent alone, in my room. Hell, I don't even think she would've taken me back there if it wasn't for Rido. She'd always go out and leave me alone. Everyday I couldn't help but think about you. That rabbit kept on reminding me that you could still be out there, alive...." Senri paused to look at me, our faces being mere inches apart. "'What was happening to you? Were you dead? Would I never see you again?' I....thought those questions often. As time went on I remained hopeful for the best. I remained hopeful that I'd see you again, to tell you I...." Senri caressed my cheek and laced a few strands of hair behind my ear. "I love you."

Our lips were about to touch when I suddenly felt excruciating pain travel up my body, not just my back. I leaned forward and grabbed Senri's jacket tightly as I felt his hands wrap around me.

"Akane, what's--"

My vision became blurry and all sound around me became muffled.

This is different than the blood-lust, I thought.

Devious laughter filled my ears but it was low, like a man's voice.

Can't wait for our long, overdue reunion, Akane, it cackled.

My eyes widened out of fear. I knew that voice better than anything and just hearing it made me shake. I fell deeper into Senri's embrace, his comfort and warmth soothing me. I felt safe around him. I closed my eyes and awaited the moment the pain would disappear.

That is until the image of a blood thirsty monster leaping towards me appeared in my mind.

I would've fallen backwards if it wasn't for Senri having such a tight grip on me. I was screaming out of fright, like a child, but he continued to cradle me in his arms.

"It's okay, I am here."

I could hear Senri's words as clear as day. The pain suddenly seceded but I continued to breath heavily as sweat ran down my forehead. Tears were forming in my eyes.

Senri was my savior. What would've happened if he wasn't with me? I could never let him go. He's precious to me, a beloved friend.


He was always there for me. I couldn't believe I hadn't fully realized it before. All this time he kept trying to tell me that I was the light of his world, the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

I'm more than just a friend to him. Is he more than just a friend to me?

I thought about what he said before, that just my existence helped him through those hard times. It made my heart flutter.

I too wanted to be with him.

I just wanted to say four simple words.

I love you too.

But now wasn't the time to tell him that.

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