Chapter Nineteen: Cross Academy

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My eyes jolted open as I felt a hand shake my shoulder. I turned my heavy head to see Ikuto looking at me with his gentle eyes.

"We're here," he cooed softly, removing his hand from my shoulder.

I looked out the window and saw large steel gates that led into Cross Academy. I was wowed, only for a second, by how big the academy was. The arched gates lead into a courtyard, and from a long way away you could see the faint outline of a building. I was guessing that was where the classes were.

The limo door suddenly opened in front of me and I saw Ikuto standing outside holding the door open. I cooed, "Thank you." as I stepped out of the limo. Right after Ikuto closed the door behind me the limo started to pull away and we were stranded at Cross Academy. I sighed and began to walk towards the academy with Ikuto on my trail, holding both of our suitcases.

When we entered we were instantly welcomed by a boy and a girl. The girl had short brown hair and big brown eyes, while the boy had short silver hair and lavender eyes. Both wore a black uniform with a red tie and white trim, although the girl had a skirt while the boy had pants. Plus both had white armband on their arms.

The girl looked over at Ikuto and I hastily before rushing over to us and exclaiming, "Welcome to Cross Academy! My name is Yuuki and the boy back there is Zero!"

The second I heard the girl's name I froze. Yuuki, I thought. My younger sisters name...

I was overcame with so much rage as I looked upon the girl. I clentched my hands into fists and she tilted her head in confusion. Before I lashed out on her I felt Ikuto's hand on my shoulder. But the more I looked upon the girl, the more I felt less sure that she was my sister. She had the aura of a human, and there was also the fact that I didn't know what my sister looked like. I unclenched my hands and looked at Yuuki, saying, "It's a pleasure to meet you Yuuki. My name is Akane and this is Ikuto."

Yuuki smiled and at that moment I noticed the boy, Zero, glaring at me from a far. I wondered why he was looking at me like that. Was it because I was looking angerly at Yuuki? Or was it something greater?

"Yuuki," I said, looking away from Zero. "Are you here to escort us to were we have to go?"

Yuuki nodded and motioned for us to follow her. As she was escorting us I noticed Zero wasn't with us anymore, which didn't bother me the slightest bit. I couldn't wait to have some alone time with Ikuto. I hadn't seen him in ten years, and I wanted to know how the past decade had been to him.

We were now in front of a building. One thing I noticed right away was that on the gate was a cresent, but I didn't know why it was there. But when Yuuki said, "Welcome to the Moon Dorms. This is where the vampire students stay, the Night Class." I knew why.

Yuuki bowed suddenly and said hastily, "Now if you excuse me I need to go find Zero. Goodbye." Yuuki then ran off to find her partner, leaving Ikuto and I alone.

"I have a very eerie feeling," I mumbled.

I started walking towards the dormitory. Ikuto stayed on my trail and when we got to the door it opened on its own, and when I saw who was on the other side I was mortified.

"Hello Akane," he said, with a smile on his face. Rage instantly overcome me, and the only thing keeping me from lashing out on him was Ikuto's hand on my shoulder.

"You--" I bit my tongue to keep myself quiet. Standing in front of me was my big brother Kaname, whom I despised. He looked different from when I last saw him, he looked more mature.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed.

"My dearest Akane," he purred. "I'm the president of the Moon Dorms."

I swear my heart stopped beating for a second. I had to follow orders from my brother, who I despised?! No, I wouldn't do it! I only hissed under my breath and awaited Kaname's response. But he didn't speak, he perked my head up. And that resulted in me growling.

"The students here call me by "Lord." But you, my dearest little sister, are the only exception."

My eyes widened by what Kaname had said. "Dearest?" Since when had I been dear to him? Everyone else here called him by "Lord." I am an exception, because I was his family. But one thing is for sure, Ikuto doesn't have to do anything he says.

"You know Kaname," I said sternly. "Behind me stands my bodyguard, Ikuto. And whatever I say to him he will obey. So he doesn't, no, will not bow down to you like everyone else here. Okay?"

Kaname's eyes widened for a second before I suddenly felt a hand wrapped around my wrist. But it wasn't Ikuto, it was Kaname. My face became twisted and I tried to get my hand out of his grasp, but to no avail. My legs now worked, but my body was still weak. And I didn't have all the powers Pureblood's should have. Kaname was too strong for me, so I couldn't free my wrist.

But in the blink of an eye by wrist was out of Kaname's grasp. I looked to my side and saw Ikuto holding me with a stern face. He let my wrist go gently and hissed at Kaname, "You don't have to be so rough with her."

Kaname stayed silent for a few moments before saying calmly, "Very well. Follow me to your dormitories."

Kaname then started to walk up the flight of stairs to the second floor. Standing between me and Kaname was Ikuto, being very protective of me now. I smiled slyly, not letting anyone see how I was feeling. Within minutes Kaname opened a door to a fancy dorm with a small balcony window included. Kaname said Ikuto would be staying in that dorm. Ikuto looked over at me and I nodded slyly, telling him it's alright to be separated from me for a little while.

Kaname and I then headed to my dorm. But when he opened up the door to reveal a larger room than Ikuto's I knew something was up. I looked at Kaname and hissed, "What is the meaning of this?"

Kaname smiled slyly, "You see Akane there are no more rooms available, so we'll have to share."

My eyes went wide for a moment before my expression softened and I said, "What a shame Kaname. I guess I'll have to share with my bodyguard."

Kaname's eyes went wide and he didn't say a word. I chuckled and cooed, "You see Kaname I'd feel much safer if I stayed with someone who hasn't hurt me than someone who has. Wouldn't you agree?" Kaname still didn't say anything, so I turned away from him and said, "Goodnight Kaname."

As I walked away from Kaname I felt his gaze on me. I quickly made my way to Ikuto's room. I knocked on the door and he answered right away, looking quite shocked to see me there. Ikuto opened his mouth to speak but I quickly cut him off by purring, "I'll be staying with you while we're here. Do you mind?"

"Of course not. But--" I hushed Ikuto once more I slammed the door behind me. I sighed, and hissed, "Kaname is an idiot to think I'd share a room with him. So now I'm going to be staying here with you, since your the one I trust the most here."

I noticed Ikuto blush slightly at my words, which resulted in my smiling a little. I then parked my suitcase in the corner and sat down on the bed, patting my hand next to me and saying, "Sit."

Ikuto looked over at me wide eyed but rushed over, as if my command, and sat down next to me. Before he had the chance to speak I said, "Tell me everything about the past ten years--" I then paused to correct myself. "--but only what you want to tell me!"

Ikuto stayed silent for a few moments before saying, "Okay. But you do the same."

I smiled widely and wrapped my hand over Ikuto's, taking him by surprise. I then exclaimed, "Deal!"

I would finally find out what happened to Ikuto after he was forced out of the manor. But to this day I can't decide what Ikuto told me was good or bad. Would the outcome have been different if he stayed with me? Would my life be different then how it turned out?

Only time would tell.

Hey guys! I don't think I clarified this but Akane and Ikuto arrived at Cross at night, so the Night Class are in class. That is why you didn't see any of the Night Class students in this chapter. I hope you've enjoyed this spam of Akane chapters, I worked on this book ALOT during the ride to and from Virginia. ^-^

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