Chapter Sixty-Nine: Submit

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I didn't know what to think. Was I angry? Sad? Regretful? Did I hate myself? Or just loath my uncle...?

Or was it all of the above?

I tried desperately to get out of Senri's grasp. No...I shouldn't say Senri. He'd never act this way. He'd never confine me.

I tried my hardest to get out of Rido's grasp.

"What the hell do you want?" I mustered under my breath as I continued to struggle as I held back my tears.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked delightfully.

Rido caressed my cheek, making me shiver. He chuckled. "Why are you so scared?"

I didn't answer, which must've pleased him even more than I intended to.

"Is it this boy? You love him, don't you?" Rido grinned.

"If you hurt him..." I mustered before I suddenly gagged, feeling something enclose around my throat.

"I suggest that if you really do care about him then it might be in your best interest to corporate," Rido snickered. "Wouldn't want something to happen to him, would you?"

I narrowed my eyes as I felt his breath on my neck. I stood where I was, still shaking. Except in that moment I let a single tear slide down my cheek.

"Good girl," Rido muttered in my ear. "I might not be in my own body but I can hardly resist your sweet blood...."

What can I do..? I thought. What can I do?!

You're so powerless, the voice said. There is nothing you can do, unless you wish to see Senri hurt.

I stayed silent as I took in their words. They were right, I was powerless. I was always powerless. Others sacrificed themselves for me, while I have done nothing for them.

Senri, what do I do....

The door swung open moments before Rido pierced Senri's fangs into my neck. I fell to the floor before I looked up and saw Rido pinned to the wall. I saw him smile delightfully.

"Well, well, well, look who is crashing the party. It is so nice to see you again, Kuran."

Kaname tightened his grip on Rido, making him struggle to breath for a few mere moments. My eyes widened. I didn't think of what to say. All I knew was that I had to act.

"Kaname, stop!" I exclaimed as I rushed up to the two of them. "You're going to hurt him!"

W-wait....I said—

"Stay away from him, Akane," my brother said sternly, interrupting my thought. "He isn't who you think he is."

Rido chuckled. "Do you really think she doesn't know that? All you're doing is hurting her love. If something were to happen to this boy it wouldn't affect me at all."

After a few seconds, Kaname released Rido.

"Leave," he said sternly. "If you come after Akane again I won't hesitate to protect her."

Rido chuckled. "Whatever you say, President Kuran."

As Rido passed me he smiled deviously in my direction. When the door shut behind him I noticed Kaname coming over to me before he placed his hand on my cheek.

"Are you okay?"

I didn't answer.

"Thank goodness I got here in time."

I took his hand off of my cheek and, without realizing it, still held it in my grasp. I would've never admitted it at the time, but I needed someone to just be there with me. To tell me everything would be okay....

"Please, go," I muttered.

....but I hid those fears with a blank face.

Kaname sighed. "Rido thinks he has power over you. Don't prove him right."

"He does have the power," I blurted suddenly. "You don't understand what he can do."

He stayed silent for a few moments before saying solemnly, "I'll protect you. He won't harm you no more."

He's lying.

I backed away from him. "I can protect myself."

Now you're the liar. You're weak.

"Can you please go?" I asked as I began to shake slightly, about to have a breakdown.

Kaname sighed. "Of course."

My brother walked out of my room and I hastily shut the door behind him. Moments later I collapsed and wrapped myself in my own embrace.

"I'm so sorry...." I cried silently to myself. "I'm sorry I let you down...."

What are you going to do about it? the voice asked.

I don't know.

There is only one thing you can do.

I wrapped my arms tighter around me. I knew what the voice was getting at. I didn't want to do that.

Submit yourself to Rido.

I'd never do that, I thought distastefully. I'd only be feeding right into his trap.

Why care what happens to you? Isn't Senri's life more important?

The voice wasn't wrong. I would do anything to make sure Senri was okay.

But would I have the strength to do this?

I shakily rose to my feet and headed for the bathroom. When I got there, I hastily grabbed the small metal box residing on the sink.

What do you think you're doing?

"If I get rid of the one thing that he can use against me I can best him...." I rasped. "I won't stop trying...."

You're making a mistake.

What do you know?!!


I clenched the box in my hands. Seconds later I opened the little hatch and popped multiple blood tablets into my mouth and swallowed them dry.

Why does it hurt so much....

My whole body ached seconds later. I felt so weak and so vulnerable. What's worse is that my bloodlust resurfaced and everything turned blue.

I told you that you were making a mistake. You've gone so far south that your body is rejecting the tablets completely....

They will only harm you more from here on out.

I slid to the floor before I threw the open box across the bathroom, making tablets spill everywhere.

I don't know what to do, I thought as I felt tears slide down my cheeks as I cradled myself once more.

The only way to stop your pain is to drink blood. But you still refuse to do that, don't you?

I won't give in.

Then be his toy. For Senri?

I stayed silent for a few moments.

For Senri.

Akane Kuran: The Unwanted [Vampire Knight]Where stories live. Discover now