Chapter Seventy-Four: Favor

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Yuuki and I stayed in each other's embrace for what seemed like forever. I didn't want to let her go but she was the first to break the hug, looking away from me nervously moments later.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She looked up at me. "I should be asking you that, onee-chan. How are you feeling?"

Now it was my turn to avert my gaze. "I feel....fine. Don't worry about me."

"You gave me a scare...." Yuuki cupped my hands into hers. "Please don't do that again."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "I won't."

My sister smiled. "Good."

We both stayed silent for a few moments. I didn't know what to say to her, yet I found myself speaking without realizing it.

"I'm sorry, Yuuki."

She looked up at me with wide eyes. "For what—"

I stood up abruptly. "For treating you like garbage these last few weeks. I-I just didn't know what to do. We grew so close and then I found out you were my sibling and I-I—"

Yuuki rose to her feet as well. "I understand, Akane. What matters now is the we can grow close as sisters."

She rested her head against mine and giggled slightly under her breath. I smiled.

"I should be getting back to the Moon Dorms before Kaname realizes I'm gone," Yuuki mumbled. "Do you want to head back with me?"

I nodded. "Of course."

We began to walk back to the dormitories hand-in-hand. For some strange reason, I felt like I was being watched.

Senri's POV

The air was cold. It was nighttime and it seemed as though I was walking through the town yet again. I knew that I would witness the same thing I have for what seemed like forever now.

It was beginning to grow unbearable.

There was no one around, or so I thought. I heard a scream.


Just hearing her yell my name brought me on the verge of tears. I knew exactly what was coming.

What's worse is that I couldn't use my ability.

I never could.

The smell of blood would fill the air seconds later.

I would always become paralyzed as I witnessed a rope of blood pierce her body, going straight through her heart. A look of horror would wash over her face.

As she collapsed on the ground a figure would stand behind her with an evil grin plastered on his face. Moments later he'd always disappear in the blink of an eye.

I knew exactly who it was. I wanted to kill him but I couldn't. I couldn't harm him in this state. All I could do was watch and suffer in the process.

I'd rush to her side and pick up her limp body; cradling her close as I felt her warmth fading.

"Akane, please...."

She would smile as she caressed my cheek as my tears fell on top of hers.

"I'm sorry I was never strong enough, Ri-chan...." In that moment she'd cough and a line of blood would flow from her bottom lip to her chin. "I will always love you."

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