Chapter Eight: The Lost Hunter

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It had been about a year since the punishment Rido gave both Senri and I, and attempted to keep punishing Senri. I took a stand to protect the boy I love. I've done what Rido said: giving him my blood to save Senri. Every month he bit me. Every month the pain got less intense and I've gotten used to it. Senri still didn't know.

I'm sure quite a few of you are wondering about my relationship with Senri. Yes, we were a couple. By doing this we protected each other more and hanged out whenever we could.

Today it was just me in the manor. Senri and Rido had to go to a ball with all the Aristocrats, and even the no good Kurans. I stayed home of course, not wanting them to find out I'm still alive. I was playing with my pink teddy bear when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

I got up and walked over to it. They can't be home this early can they?

I slowly opened the large door and peeked outside. There in front of me was a boy, who was holding his arm and had a strained face. The more I looked at him I realized that his arm was in fact bleeding.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed, stepping out of the manor and wrapping my arms around the boy to support him. "Let's get you inside!"

I supported the boys weight until we got to the Infirmary. I sat the boy down on one of the white beds and got out a few medical items. I walked over to him and asked if he could remove his blood stained jacket. He did so and I saw the horrible wound he had.

My eyes went wide as I said, "W-who did this to you?"

The boy stayed silent for the longest time. Because of this I grabbed a cloth and got it wet. As I was walking over to the boy he finally spoke in a low monotone voice, "A vampire."

My eyes went wide yet again as I stopped in my tracks. No wonder this wound was so big and bleeding rapidly. I quickened my pace towards him and placed the wash cloth on his arm, which instantly turned red.

Oh no... I thought.

My vision had turned blue, my eyes must've been their red lustered color. Normally this wouldn't happen to me. But because of my blood loss it is. I dipped my head a little, hoping that the boy won't see and take action.

"A-a vampire?" I asked. "How'd that happen?"

"I was training with my master when we got separated and I got attacked by that beast." He said with disgust.

I became paralyed as that last word escaped his mouth. Beast, I thought. He'll think I'm a beast if he finds out what I am...

"Y-yeah. They are horrible aren't they? They are just... beasts in human form." The last part was very hard to get out. I felt like I was insulting my own kind!

After all the dried blood was off of his pale arm I got a good look at the wound he had. He had two deep bite marks on the upper side of his arm. Along with that he had two deep gashes going down the lower part of his arm.

"Y-you have--"

"Don't worry I was attacked by a damn Level E not a Pureblood." He looked at me. "Do I need stitches?"

By the time he asked me that I already had the needle and thread needed to do stitches with. I sat next to him and put the thread through the little hole. I turned to face him, "I'm sorry if it hurts."

"I'm sure I've felt pain more intense then a needle going through me, " he hissed. What happened in his past? Something bad must've happened.

I pierced his skin and threaded my way down both gashes. By the time I was done the boy looked at me and moved my bangs from my eyes. My eyes were still red lustered, I shivered and cowered. But the boy merely smiled at me. I was actually taken by surprise by the hunters action.

"What class are you?" He asked.

By class he ment what type of vampire I am. Am I an Aristocrat? A former human turned vampire? Or a Pureblood? How would he react when he found out that I'm a vampire who has the ability to turn humans to turn my own kind?

"I'm a--Pureblood."

His eyes go wide and then he puts his head on one of his hands and laughs, "I can't believe that I couldn't sense it!" He looks up at me. "If you don't mind can you tell me your name? Mine is Ikuto, an orphaned hunter."

My eyes went wide. Not because he asked me my name but because he shows no signs of fear. This boy, I thought. He isn't afraid of me?

"My name is--" I paused. "Akane."

Ikuto stood up and and looked at me. He picked up a patch of my hair and let it dangle in his palm. "I like your name, Akane. It suits your eyes."

I smiled, "Hey Ikuto. Would you mind if we could be friends?"

Ikuto's eyes went wide. Is he surprised about a Pureblood asking to be his friend? I'm sure he's heard different stories about us. Although some might be true for specific Purebloods that isn't the case for me. Ikuto smiled, "Of course."

Just then a banging sound erupted the room and in walked my uncle, with a look of pure disgust on his face.

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