Chapter Fifty-Three: Horrid Remembrance

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"Why are you so fixated on Yuuki?" I asked with a frown.

"I'm sure it's quite obvious," Shizuka said. "You see, I'm trying to get under your beloved brothers skin. You don't even like him, Akane, so why do you care? I guess I can see why. He cares for her so deeply..."

Shizuka rushed towards me and lifted my face up to meet hers. My eyes were wide, taken aback by her sudden action.

"...I'm sure you've asked yourself why he cares so much for a mere human. Or am I wrong? Of course not. I can see the doubt in your eyes. You're quite suspicious of their relationship-"

I backed up suddenly and the only reaction the Pureblood had was a sly smile. Shizuka brought a fan up to her face as she looked intently at the three of us.

"This is quite the unfair fight," Shizuka said with a sigh. "Three versus one. If only Ichiru were here. Oh well, it's not like I'm at a major disadvantage."

In the blink of an eye Shizuka dashed towards me. She slashed me with her fan, a hidden weapon I presumed. Even though I tried my best to evade her attack, I felt something wet glide my cheek. Which resulted in me hissing under my breath.

Before I could say a word about it, something grabbed my arm and pulled me back as I suddenly saw two ropes of blood head towards Shizuka, followed by gunshots in the distance.

The Pureblood blocked the ropes of blood with her fans and swiftly dodged the bullets, of course. Those measly attacks wouldn't even have a chance at touching her for a second.

I turned and saw Senri behind me, still gripping my wrist tightly. He looked at Shizuka with anger in his eyes and I didn't blame him.

If I hadn't dodged her attack I could've been hurt badly and Senri, even Ikuto for that matter, wouldn't have liked that at all.

"Ri-chan," I murmured.

"Akane, stay behind me," Senri said sternly. "I don't want you to get hurt--"

In the distance I heard a deceitful giggle resound. I looked over Senri's shoulder to see Shizuka laughing with a wide grin and blazing eyes.

"I just had a brilliant idea!" she exclaimed. "No hard feelings...."

Within seconds, no, moments I was lifted off my feet and into the air. I was instantaneously hit and flown backwards, colliding with a wall which turned into crumbles seconds later. Thank goodness we were at an old dormitory, so no one would be hurt in that mess.

My whole body felt numb and weak as I tried to lift my upper body from the ground. I was surprised that I didn't break a single bone in my body, since I was already....fragile as it was. I began to cough as dust filled my lungs but my breathing was cut totally off when I felt something grab my throat severely.

When the dust cleared I heard Senri and Ikuto yell my name worriedly. It was then that I realized the devious Pureblood had not just her hand around my throat, but a blade as well.

Damn you....

"Make one move and your little princess will be ash," Shizuka cooed with a grin.

I forced a smile across my face. "Aww, why are you threatening to kill me like this now? Was that time you saved me, all those years ago, just for your own personal gain then?"

I heard Shizuka hiss behind me and tighten her grip on my throat, making me gag and struggle a little in her grasp.

"Don't test me, weakling," Shizuka wheezed.

Senri and Ikuto stood still, unsure of what to do next. Shizuka could've easily killed me if they made one wrong move, despite being the same status as me. Perks of being a weaker than someone of the same, and strongest, status, right?

They didn't stay unoccupied for long, however. Someone suddenly jumped from the second floor, attempting to stab Ikuto with a katana. I recognized that medium length silver hair instantly. I knew it was Ichiru. Luckily Ikuto quickly evaded the hunters attack, and blocked yet another with his pistols.

"Go help Ikuto, Senri!" I exclaimed. "I can manage--"

All of the sudden Shizuka had me pinned against a pillar. The lobby of that dusty old dormitory had two extravigant pillars next to the two staircases that lead up the the second floor. With how tight Shizuka was gripping my throat, it was getting hard to breath and to see what was right in front of me.

I felt like I could've passed out right then and there.

"Keep this up any longer and you might just kill me," I rasped. "It's a crime to kill a Pureblood you know."

"Aren't you smart?" Shizuka joked. "Why live like this? Is all that pain really worth it? If you just taste a little bit of blood you'd be so much more powerful."

"I'm not power hungry like you," I said.

Besides, I don't feel any pain anymore, I thought. Maybe that means....

"I can easily reawaken that hunger of yours. Just a little bite and all that pain will resurface, stronger than it ever was before. You'd go crazy instantly, just like you did before...."

Shizuka's voice began to trail off as a ringing sound erupted in my ears. My vision became blurry before blacking out momentarily. I saw an image flash before my eyes, an image I never wanted to become reality, yet it felt so real. I saw myself struggling to attack Senri, the boy I loved unconditionally. I felt tears form in my eyes and I saw Shizuka smile pleasurably.

"You're trying so hard to doubt it, but what you saw is indeed real. That was only a fragment of what happened, you did so much more to your beloved comrades," Shizuka cooed. "Just wait until you remember everything, despite everyone else's wishes."

Shizuka dropped me as she jumped out of the way of another one of Senri's attacks. I fell to the floor and stayed on my knees. I looked at the ground as my vision became blurry with tears.

So that vision was true, I thought distastefully. I....did that to Senri? What about--

I noticed Senri run up to me and kneel down to my level. He lifted my face up to meet his gaze and I know he immediately saw it stained with tears.

"Akane...." Senri whispered.

"How can you forgive me for doing that?" I asked in disbelief. "I-I'm a monster...."

Senri's eyes widened before he hastily wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his embrace. I began to cry aloud as I came to the reality that I was living in.

Despite how hard I tried, I inevitably hurt my friends. I could never forgive myself for doing that.

The only way to make up for that is to protect them with my life, but would it ever come to that?

Only time would tell.

A/N: I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a month. Once I'm done with the final part(s) with Shizuka I have a lot planned. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I'll enjoy writing it for you guys. ^^

I also realized that Akane still calls Senri "Ri-chan." I came to the sudden realization that "-chan" is used for girls. I did some research and I also found out that it could be used for children as well. Do you guys think I should keep using "Ri-chan" or "Ri-[other Japanese honorific]?"

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