Chapter Forty-Three: Him

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I had been looking out of the window of my bedroom for quite some time. All I was doing was watching the snowflakes glide gracefully to the ground and stack on top of each other, making a thick layer of white on the ground.

I heard a knock emit from behind me and in stepped my father, Haruka, holding a jacket and some accessories in his hands.

"How's my little ray of sunshine?" he asked with a smile on his face before he walked towards me and ruffled with my hair.

"Otou-san, are we going outside?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course! Why else would I have your jacket?" father chuckled.

I took my pink jacket out of Haruka's hands and instantly began to put it on. I was so excited to finally go outside and play in the snow.

I was going to zip the jacket up my abdomen when I suddenly froze.

"What about onii-chan and okaa-san?" I asked concerned.

"They will be back soon. Don't worry," father reassured me.

I smiled and zipped my jacket. Haruka helped me put my mittens, scarf, and hat on before we started to head out the door.

As soon as the door opened to the outside my expression widened as did my smile. I felt the cold breeze hit my warm cheeks instantly and a few snowflakes land on the tip of my nose.

I ran forward and plopped myself on the ground, making a snow angel in the process. I was breathing heavily, but I didn't care. I was enjoying every second of this joyous moment.

I sat up suddenly and noticed Haruka standing away from me. I grinned and cupped my hand into the snow, forming it into a firm snowball. I dashed towards my father before throwing the snowball at him which hit him in his leg. Let's just say I wasn't very tall then but I was still proud that I actually hit him.

Father looked down at me with a semi-shocked expression before he smiled and bent down to pick me up. I began to giggle instantly and I wrapped my arms around Haruka.

He set me down moments later and I ran back out into the snow. I suddenly had the brilliant idea of making a snowman. I made a small snowball with my petite hands and began to roll it in the thick snow.

I looked over at Haruka before exclaiming, "Otou-san, come make a snowman with me!"

Haruka instantly looked over at me and began to walk over. It wasn't long before he too was kneeling in the snow and helping me roll snowballs: one big, one medium, and one small.

As I plopped the medium sized snowball on top of the big one I huffed, "This is really fun, Otou-san!"

"Indeed it is," Haruka said with a smile directed at me, his only daughter.

I stood before I said, "Otou-san, is it okay if I go to the forest and get a few twigs? A snowman isn't complete without arms!"

Haruka chuckled, "Sure. Don't take long, Akane."

"I won't!" I winked before running off into the direction of fern.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw nothing but trees around me. Now I need to find the perfect sticks for Mr. Frosty's arms! I thought.

I looked around for a few moments before I looked above me and saw the perfect set of tiny branches, both of which were the perfect shape of Y's.

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