Chapter Fifty-Five: Nightmare

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A dark, empty void was laid out all around me. Everywhere I looked laid still darkness. I tried my best to see something but I couldn't see anything as my hand reached out in front of me, trying to touch something.

In a single blink of my eyes, a scene sprawled in front of me: a scene I knew all too well.

I know this place, I thought as I narrowed my eyes.

The dark oak flooring and pitch black walls reminded me of a place I'd been at countless times. It was the same place I met Senri, my best friend, for the first time. It was also where I discovered his adorable obsession for pocky.

"Hello, Akane," a deep voice boomed behind me. "You've been a naughty girl while I was away, trying to escape when I told you to stay put. Tsk, tsk."

I turned sharply to see my uncle looming over me, smiling wickedly down upon my small body.

"Rido," I muttered, feeling my body begin to shake slightly. "Y-you're supposed to be--"

"Aw, you aren't happy to see me?" he asked. "I've been at rest for more than a decade. We have so much catching up to do..."

Rido's grin was wide as if he had just caught his prey in a trap, one they wouldn't be able to escape from no matter how hard they tried.

I took a step back and as soon as I did I fell backwards, hitting my head in the process. I held my throbbing head as I tried to stand, but I couldn't.

My legs wouldn't move at all.

"You're hurt. After all this time, you're still immobile? How pitiful," Rido chuckled. "Have I really made you this weak? I must say, I am impressed. To harm a Pureblood to a scarred pulp like this must take some sort of skill. Or would you call it greed? Heh, it doesn't matter anyway. Let me help you."

Rido bent down to help me but I fiercely slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me, you monster!" I exclaimed, tears forming in my eyes.

Rido beamed pleasurably, "This just proves my point. You're a naughty girl, threatening your guardian like this. I guess you need to be punished again."

My uncle grabbed me, wrapping an arm around my back and the other around my left wrist. Despite my efforts to break free, he had a tight grip on me. Even if I could escape, I wouldn't have been able to get far.

He brought his fangs closer to my neck and didn't hesitate to sink them in deep, making me wince in pain. I tried to push him away, but he was obviously too strong for me.

I had forgotten what it felt like; hearing my blood rush out of my body. You'd think after having that happen to me so many times I'd remember, heck, what it felt like. I guess along with those memories I'd locked away I also sealed those memories as well. Can you blame me?

Speaking of locked away memories, all those memories resurfaced almost instantly, making more tears fall from my puffy eyes. All those memories were painful for me and I didn't want to remember them, ever.

When Rido released me my vision turned blue immediately. Not even moments later my throat felt severely dry and it became hard to breath. I closed my eyes tightly as the pain grew more intense by the second.

I suddenly felt my body being pressed hard against the cold hardwood floor. A hand wrapped its fingers around my throat firmly in an instant.

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