Chapter Sixty-Five: Revenge

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I stayed lost in my own discouraging thoughts until the door opened to reveal my two beloved friends. I smiled at the sight of them despite not wanting to. Seeing Senri reassured me that he wasn't Rido, that he was okay.

But I couldn't shake that thought from my mind.

"We got your uniform," Ikuto said. "How are you feeling?"

"My wounds are mostly healed so I'd like to go back to the dormitories." I flipped the covers off of me and stood. I only felt like I was going to lose my balance for a moment but I then felt fine.

I walked over and took my new white uniform from Ikuto. "Thank you for getting this for me."


When we got back to the dorms I went into the bathroom to change. I set my clothes on the sink before I leaned myself on it and closed my eyes.

Forget about it. You're just overthinking things.

When I opened my eyes I caught a glimpse of the small box I kept my blood tablets in, the very blood tablets that were no longer effective with me. I wished they worked. I wished they still suppressed my hunger. I just wanted it to stop.

However, I'd never do what needed to be done.

I knew what I needed to do. I couldn't let myself do it. I was haunted by the fear of going too far, of killing someone I love. I'd rather take the pain, no matter how much I didn't want to.

I quickly changed before exiting the bathroom. When I looked at Ikuto and Senri I saw they had troubled expressions on their faces.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Ikuto has something he wishes to tell you," Senri said.

I looked over. "You can say it. I won't get mad or anything," I cooed.

Ikuto averted his eyes for a second and sighed. "I've been requested to go on a mission by the president of the association. I'll have to leave in the morning..."

My eyes widened as Ikuto's words trailed off. I didn't expect for him to give me the news that he had to leave. I didn't want him to but I understood that he was a Vampire Hunter, and needed to do his duty.

I smiled sincerely at him. "You sound like you thought I'd be upset. I'm not, really." I bent down and gave him a hug. "Just make it back as soon as you can, okay?"

Ikuto nodded as he returned the gesture. "I will, I promise."


Before I knew it it was time for Ikuto to leave. Senri and I stood by the gates as we saw Ikuto walk towards the car that'd take him away. I waved and he waved back before closing the car door behind him and leaving.

"He'll be fine," Senri said, noticing the worry spread across my face.

I nodded and turned to head back to the academy.

I hope so.


It was late at night when I decided to walk around the campus. We had an extended break today because Toga had something urgent to do with the headmaster halfway through it. I wasn't complaining.

I took in the beautiful scenery laid out all around me. I came upon the Swan Fountain and took a seat, cupping one of my hands under the beak of the swan where the water came flowing out.

I heard a rustling sound from one of the surrounding bushes. I quickly turned my head and stood.

"Who's there?" I called out.

The rustling continued for a few more brief moments before I saw a Day Class student pop out.

That student would be none other than Yuuki Cross.

"Oh, Akane it's you," she said with a smile. "I heard someone over here so I just came to investigate real quick, heh." She scratched the back of her head.

"It's fine," I mumbled. I didn't want to talk to her. I might or might not snap.

Yuuki turned away from me before turning back seconds later.

"I've been wondering something..." Her voice trailed off. "Are you okay? We haven't talked in so long. I've been worrying."

Why would you worry about me? I thought distastefully. Then again she doesn't remember anything....but....

You're correct. Why should she worry about you? Just because she doesn't remember what she did to you now doesn't mean she won't remember when the time comes.


Did you really think I'm just here to help you with your hunger? You're quite the funny one, Akane. I'm here to help you with all your struggles, not just that.

You don't help. All you do is cause me pain.

What's the harm in that?

I hissed aloud before I looked up at Yuuki. We had so many fun times together since I came to Cross Academy. Thinking of those moments, in particular, made me want to smile.

I...want to care about her.

Are you growing soft, Akane? Don't you want revenge?


That's right. Revenge.

I've never thought of that.

Are you telling me that day you saw your hateful father die before your eyes wasn't satisfying to you? YOU SMILED. Don't you want the same satisfaction with your brother and sister?

My head began to throb and I took a seat on the rim of the fountain. Before Yuuki could say anything, I blurted out, "I just have a headache I'm fine."

Look at that naive girl before you. It'd be so easy to get your revenge right here right now.

I don't want that.

I know your deepest desires, Akane. You want to get revenge on those who have wronged you.

You're lying.

Am I?


Yuuki sat down next to me on the rim of the fountain and put her head on my shoulder. I froze.

"Y'know if anything is bothering you you can tell me. We're friends after all," she said.


Don't you even dare.

"I have to go."

I stood up suddenly and rushed back to class. I held my hand up to my heart.

Why do I feel this way?

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