Chapter Sixty-Six: Goodbye (Pt. 1)

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Surprisingly, I woke up early the following morning and got a good night of sleep. Usually Ikuto would wake up before me and he'd have to drag me out of bed. Today was different. It was going to be different for the rest of the week. I already missed his presence.

Since I was up so early I decided it wasn't necessary to wear my uniform all day. I chose to wear my red t-shirt with my black jeans and boots. Finishing it all off with having my dark hair tied up in a messy bun.

I sat down on my bed for a moment to think about what to do next. It didn't take long before I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and went to go answer it.

"Hello, Senri," I cooed.

"Hi," he said nervously, making me giggle a little. "I was just stopping by to see how you were doing..."

"I'm doing well. Thank you for asking." I paused and looked down. "I'm just wondering how Ikuto's mission is doing."

"I'm sure he's okay," Senri said reassuringly. "He's with a group anyway."

A group that might or might not hate all vampires, I thought.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I mumbled. "Hey, why are you up so early? You're more of a bedhead than I am."

Senri chuckled. "Headmaster requested for me to go into town and eliminate some Level E threats. Actually I should probably go out now."

"Can I go out with you?" I asked. "I'm going to be so bored if I just sit here until class starts."

Senri looked concerned for a moment. "I don't see why not. Just promise me when we find a Level E you'll stay safe."

I nodded.


When Senri and I got into town we actually didn't start hunting down Level E's right away. We'd look for anything suspicious in the crowd or anything lurking in the shadows. We enjoyed our time together, just the two of us.

It didn't take long before we found our first Level E vampire. We found it lurking down in a dark passageway as it targeted an unsuspecting victim. Senri took care of it instantly, using his Aristocratic ability to take it out without a sound.

"You've been doing this for awhile, huh?" I asked with interest. "You're really good."

"It's nothing," Senri said, scratching the back of his head. "It's just one of the duties of the Night Class."

As time went on Senri continued to take down any Level E vampire we came across. I stood on the sidelines as I watched Senri do his heroic acts. I wanted to help him but every time I reached for my bracelet it shocked me with brute force.

We stopped for a break at a little ice cream parlor. I got chocolate ice cream and Senri got vanilla. I definitely had a sweet tooth. After we finished we began to talk a little.

"The sun is going to set soon. Should we head back?" I asked.

"Around this time I usually go to the clock tower and keep watch from there for a little while. But you can head back if you—"

I suddenly heard a scream that I knew all too well. I groaned.

"Is that Senri Shiki and Akane Kuran from the Night Class?!" a girl in a Day Class uniform screeched.

She dashed over to our table.

"I've never been this close to a Night Class student. That girl always pushes us away to have you all to herself," she pouted. "Can I take a photo?"

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