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It is time to answer some questions! Let's begin. ^u^


Happy_FairyTail_ asked:

1) What is Akane's favorite color?

Akane: Red, of course. The color of roses.

2) If Yuuki and Akane had a sleepover(for fun), what would they do?

Yuuki: Pillow fiiiiight!! *hits Akane in the head with a pillow*

Akane: *grabs a pillow* YOU'RE ASKING FOR IT NOW.

3) If Akane and Senri had a kid together, would it be a girl or a boy and what would their name be?

Hmm...maybe a girl? Or boy? Would they even have kids? Or get together in the first place? 🤔

4) What's the author's favorite ship in the story?

If I answer, would that give it away? XD


Hellotherefrie asked:

1) Would the story be different if Zero loved Akane?

I actually thought about instead of having Ikuto being a love interest Zero would be. I believe I was thinking of having Akane running away at one point from Rido and stumbling across the Kiryu's. It was a good idea but I clearly went with having an OC instead. Trying to stay original... :3

2) Will the story ever say Yuuki's side of the story?

You mean POV right? Then maybe. Maybe. uwu

4) What are Akane and Yuuki's favorite animals?

Yuuki: Dogs!

Akane: Cats.

-gotta have the cats v. dogs debate-

Hey guys! So while I am working on the next chapter I wanted to post the Q&A! I have been putting it off because I was honestly hoping I'd get more questions so this would be longer but since I haven't updated in forever (not including the A/N) I just wanted to give you guys something. X3

If any of you have anymore questions feel free to comment them down below! Idk if I'd make another Q&A part or just answer them directly tho. If I get enough I'll do a part two. ^^

Thanks for being patient with me!

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