Chapter Forty-Six: Secrets Revealed

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**So yeah I got the new update on my iPhone and now bold and italic won't work. I'm pretty pissed off right now about it so for the time being I can only hope you guys can tell which lines are in the characters thoughts and which aren't. Anyway, goodnight and I hope you enjoy this chapter!**

Senri's POV

When we arrived at Kaname's dorm he instantly laid the unconscious Akane on his loveseat. She'd look peaceful, if it wasn't for the stream of blood gliding down her chin and the tears that stained her face.

I hope she'll be okay, I thought. I'm very worried about her.

After placing Akane's unconscious body on the love seat, Kaname walked over and sat down behind his desk. He stayed silent for a few moments as Ikuto and I just stood there; waiting in anticipation for when he'd elaborate more on what's wrong with Akane.

He sighed. "I don't know where to begin. What would you like to know?"

I opened my mouth to speak but Ikuto beat me to it.

"Everything," Ikuto said sternly.

Kaname grabbed a queen chess piece and looked at it intensely for a few moments. He closed his eyes before he began to speak.

"I'm sure Akane has told you some very poor things about her family. Am I correct?" Kaname asked.

I nodded slightly and Kaname continued.

"She didn't always hate us. It happened very suddenly and there was no warning. One day she woke up and she was—" Kaname paused to look over at Akane. "—different. She acted totally different towards us."

"How so?" Ikuto asked with his arms crossed.

He must not believe him, I thought. Kaname looks very serious though.

"She started to act very quiet and reserved towards Juuri and Haruka. But she kept that cheery demeanor of hers around me."

"Until one night?" I asked.

"Precisely," Kaname said with a saddened expression. "One day I was going to go into her room to check on her and it was locked. I tried my best to open the door but when I did she was gone with the wind."

"Rido brought her to his manor," I said. "Surely you know that."

Kaname stood and walked over to the loveseat. He sat down next to Akane and stroked her cheek.

I instantly notice Ikuto hiss under his breath.

"Indeed I do," he said. "I don't need you to explain what happened to her there. I know everything, Ri-chan."

Kaname smirked and my vision narrowed. Akane is the only one who calls me that. She hasn't called me that in a long time, however. Has she forgotten?

Of course she wouldn't, I thought. What a silly thing to think.

"It is obvious to me that all Rido cared about was having Akane as a food source. He lured her in with the promise to love her and totally stabbed her in the back."

He's got a point, I thought.

"Let me get this straight," Ikuto said suddenly. "Akane all of the sudden changes one day? Why?"

"She..." Kaname hesitated for a moment. "It was all Rido's doing."

"You say everything is Rido's doing but you haven't told us why," I pointed out.

Kaname stayed silent for a few moments before giving us a cold stare.

"Senri, Ikuto, you mustn't mention what I'm about to say to Akane. It will not help her in the state she is in now."

Ikuto and I nodded in unison.

"When she was younger Rido was always targeting her. Juuri and Haruka would try their absolute best to protect her but it wasn't enough," Kaname said. "In the end he got to her and instead of just taking her for his own he tempered with her memories and waited for her to come to him."

Both Ikuto and I turned wide eyed. He can't be serious. Akane's memories were.... messed with? How could Rido have that type of power? Akane was just a little girl and yet....

I looked down and clenched my fists. "So her feelings for us. Are they..."

"Don't worry, Senri. Her feelings for you two are genuine," Kaname reassured. "She has a very special bond with you two. I'm grateful she has people like you in her life."

I unclenched my fists and sighed in relief.

Good, I thought. Because my feelings for her are as real as anything in this world. I can't imagine my life without her.

"Do you know what's wrong with Akane now?" Ikuto asked. "You seemed to know exactly what to do when she was overcome by bloodlust."

"All I simply did was erase her memories of this night," Kaname stated. "She will wake up in the morning and only remember going to sleep that night without any setbacks at all. Her hunger should be ceased for a little while as well."

Kaname paused before continuing.

"You see Akane has been dealing with this voice in her head for a very long time. It tells her all these negative things that she tries her best not to listen to. It tells her to give into her desires and take what she wants. She tries her best not to give in but today was obviously different. I don't know what it told her, but it took control over her in a way I could never even begin to imagine."

"So that wasn't her?" I asked.

"It was but she had no control over her actions. Surely you two saw her crying as she did all those things."

I nodded my head as a worrisome look crossed my face. Kaname smiled slightly.

"It'll be okay," he said. "She should be fine after tonight. You don't have to worry."

Kaname looked up at the clock before looking back down at us.

"You two should get going. She'll be waking up soon." Kaname placed his hand on Akane's forehead and she stirred. "Continue taking good care of her, okay?"

I nodded my head and picked Akane up bridal style. As Ikuto and I were leaving Kaname's dorm a voice boomed behind us.

"Oh, and one more thing," Kaname said grimly. "Don't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. Especially drinking blood; even though she needs that source more than anything right now."

"Understood," I said sternly.

Ikuto and I left Kaname's dorm without hesitation.

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