• Sincerely, Akane •

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Dearest Ikuto,
I am so sorry to be writing you this. Sadly, I'm not at the academy right now. I wish I was there when you returned. I just want to talk to you face to face but sadly current circumstances prevent me from doing so. I hope your mission went well and you have returned unscathed. I miss you so much. It has just been so hard without you here.
Yes, Senri had been here with me. However, soon after you left we got attacked by Rido. He sacrificed himself for me. No, he isn't dead but if I don't do something he will be soon.
I'm sorry, but this is what I have to do. I have to save him. I can't let my best friend die, just like how I couldn't let you die when you took the blow from Sebastian.
I'm going to do the only alternative option I have to save him. All I have to do is awaken Rido, then Senri will be free. He wouldn't be suffering anymore.
It has been hard seeing Senri in such a state. Rido... he took over his body. He has been doing nothing but toying with me and Senri has been paying the price. I won't let him suffer anymore on my account.
You can be mad at me. You might think I'm just a fool right now. I know I am. I know I shouldn't do this but what other choice do I have? I'm practically just bringing a monster back to life aren't I?
I'm so so sorry. I've lost count of how many times I've said this now. I wish I could've waited for you to come back, but Rido wouldn't let me. Plus, the more time passes the longer Senri is living a nightmare.
I must go now. Please don't worry about me too much. I'll be fine. I promise. Wait for me, okay?


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