Chapter Twenty-Seven: Fang of Repentance

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Classes were normal and a little boring, as always. At 5 AM everyone started their own little conversations, including myself. My conversation with Senri and Ikuto was suddenly cut short when I felt another urge and excused myself quickly to the bathroom.

Why the hell is this happening so much? I thought. I've never had this feeling before I came here, and I don't even smell blood!

I popped a blood tablet in my mouth and my hunger faded away. I sighed with relief and began to grow annoyed. Why was I suddenly feeling those strong urges for blood? Did it have something to do with that voice? Since a few days ago I had my blood-lust under control, even with my major loss of blood due to Rido.

I suddenly smelt the same scent I smelled yesterday appear and I looked up in shock.

Yuuki? I thought.

I exited the bathroom hastily and headed down the hallway, away from the classroom. As I got nearer to the staircase the scent grew stronger and as I turned a corner I saw a horrifying sight.

"Zero!" I exclaimed. "Let go of her!"

I ran down the stairs and pulled Zero off of Yuuki, who was biting her neck fiercely.

Yuuki clenched me tightly with a pained look on her face as we fell to the floor. I looked at Zero and saw his once lavender eyes hold a red colored luster and his lips stained with Yuuki's blood. In the blink of an eye Zero lunged at us, still consumed by his hunger. Before he could attack Yuuki again I put my arm around her and he bit me instead.

"Akane!" Yuuki exclaimed, seeing my blood stained arm. "Zero is--"

"It's okay, Yuuki," I heaved, seeing my image suddenly turn blue, "all will be explained later. I promise."

Seconds later Zero released me and backed away from us holding his head. His eyes returned to their lavender color and he looked at Yuuki and I with both horror and sadness in his eyes.

"Yuuki, Akane," he mumbled, "I-I'm sorry."

Yuuki had a face filled with mixed emotions. I sighed as my vision turned back to it's normal color. Before another word could be exchanged between us a voice boomed boldly behind us.

"Was their blood delicious, Zero?"

Yuuki and I looked behind to see Kaname looming over us. He came down the steps and kneeled down to our level, caressing Yuuki's cheek. Kaname didn't dare touch me because he knew I was all bite and no bark. He smiled at her, like he was telling her it was all going to be okay. Kaname then stood infront of Yuuki and I and glared viciously at the blood stained Zero.

"You had no right to hurt the two people I care about," Kaname hissed, "you need to--"

"No Kaname!" Yuuki exclaimed, jumping out of my arms suddenly. "Don't kill--" Yuuki fell back into my arms. "--Zero"

Yuuki fell unconscious right after that. I grinned at Kaname and said, "You heard her, leave Zero alone."

"But--" Kaname began to say something but quickly got cut off by a childish voice behind us.

"Zero we need to go get you cleaned up," Kaien said sternly, walking down the stairs, "is Yuuki okay?"

Kaname began to speak when I cut him off suddenly, "She's unconscious due to a loss of blood but she'll be fine. I'll take her to the Infirmary. You should go calm down the Night Class, Dorm President Kuran."

I stood with Yuuki in my arms and attempted to leave but quickly got interrupted by Kaname.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"He only got a nibble," I cooed, "not like you'd care."

I left them without saying another word.


After being unconscious for another half hour, Yuuki woke up. I was relieved to see her awake, but she still had so many questions for me. All of which I wanted to answer.

"Did you know?" Yuuki asked as I got a wet washcloth to get the dry blood off of her.

"Yes," I said, "I just hope you understand that Zero never wanted to attack you like that. You see, he was holding back strong vampire instincts for four years."

"Four years ago his family got attacked and he came to live with Headmaster and I," Yuuki mumbled, "do you mean to tell me that he was bitten by a Pureblood when his family was attacked?!"

I nodded my head.

"I had no idea that he was in so much pain," Yuuki said sadly, "if only--"

"He probably just wanted to protect you," I cooed, putting a patch over Yuuki's bite marks, "you seem to be afraid of bad, scary vampires. He just didn't want you to see him in that state."

"I need to go talk to him!" Yuuki exclaimed, standing up suddenly.

"Yuuki wai--" Before I could finish my sentence the door to the Infirmary opened and in stepped my brother, Kaname.

"Yuuki, you need to rest," Kaname purred, "I wouldn't want you to do to overexert yourself yet."

"I'm fine, Kaname-senpai! Where is Zero?"

"He's resting, just like you should," Kaname said sternly.

Yuuki went back over and sat down on the white Infirmary bed. Kaname sat down next to her and looked at me with kind eyes, to which I looked at him with a burning hatred.

"Thank you for protecting Yuuki against Zero," Kaname said sweetly, "is your arm okay?"

I sighed, "The wounds are already healed. I should go."

I stood and left the Infirmary hastily. I wasn't about to make sweet talk with my brother whom I despised. I closed the door behind me, leaned against the wall, and sighed.

Kaname said, "You had no right to hurt the two people I care about." What did he mean by two? I thought. Kaname and Yuuki do have a connection to each other, but what is it? After all, Kaname wouldn't care for a plain old human!

I began to walk towards the classroom.

I will find out what it is, even if I hate the outcome.

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