Chapter Thirty-One: Birthday Party

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Classes had been normal for the past few days. However, tonight would be different. Tonight was Takuma's birthday party, and you could tell that he was excited. Because of the birthday party, classes were canceled, which I was a little happy about.

For the party I dressed myself in a plain, yet strapless, black dress that went down to my knees. I wore black flats that complicated the dress with my curly hair hanging loosely down. Ikuto stayed in his uniform, which I didn't really mind.

"Ready!" I exclaimed, emerging from the bathroom.

"It's about time," Ikuto sighed, "I was getting bored just sitting here."

"Shut up," I smirked, "we need to go or else we'll be late!"

I grabbed Ikuto by the wrist and pulled him with me towards the door. To be honest, I felt kind of excited. Even though I knew that this party wouldn't be super enjoyable, since it is a party with vampires, I was ecstatic because this would be my first party. I didn't really care how it went.

When we got to the party everyone was already there, including Senri. I saw him leaning against a tree with a stick of pocky in his mouth as he was chatting blankly with Rima. I smiled at the sight of those two before Takuma suddenly appeared before us.

"Thank you so much for coming Lady Akane and Ikuto!" He exclaimed with a smile.

"Thank you for inviting us," I purred, "happy birthday Takuma."

Takuma thanked us and ran off to talk to a different group of students. I turned and seconds later I saw the faint outline of two figures in black attire.

What are they doing here? I thought.

"Akane!" Yuuki exclaimed, running up and wrapping her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her as well, seeing the irritated and disgusted look on Zero's face seconds later.

"Hello, Yuuki," I cooed, "what are you two doing here?"

"We had an encounter with Takuma after a vampire attack. He told us that if we came he would tell us about something that concerns Zero," Yuuki said sadly.

"Oh," I mumbled, glancing over at the silver haired hunter, "I hope you find the answer you're looking for."

"Thanks," Yuuki said with a smile before bowing and rushing off to find Takuma with Zero trailing behind.

I wonder if she knows that he's growing closer to Level E, I thought, when she does found out I can imagine she'll be traumatized.

"Come on, Ikuto," I said sternly, grabbing his wrist and pulling him along with me, "I'm parched."

I went over to a table where I grabbed a wine glass and put a white tablet in it. Seconds later the clear liquid turned a faded shade of pink and I immediately took a big sip.

I sighed and I heard someone walking towards us. I turned my head and saw Senri walking towards us with a fresh stick of pocky in his mouth.

"Hey," Ikuto and I said in unison.

"I didn't know you guys were here," Senri said, "having fun?"

I lowered my head, "It's an okay party but I've had an eerie feeling."

Before Ikuto or Senri could ask why I looked over at Yuuki to see her talking to Takuma. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him walking towards them, resulting in my face becoming stern.

"Guys," I mumbled, "do you think it's strange how Kaname cares deeply for Yuuki, even though she is a mere human?"

"What do you mean?" Ikuto asked. "You care for her as well, or am I wrong?"

Senri added on, "You are a Pureblood and you took Ikuto in when he was still a human."

I shook my head, "I guess you could say Yuuki and I are considered friends, even though you two are my top priority. Kaname just doesn't strike me as someone to care for a normal human. However, it seems to me that they have a special connection, one that I don't know about."

I clenched my free fist before releasing it and sighing. I take another sip of the pink liquid before looking over at Zero, who glared angerly upon Kaname with a strained face.

He must be feeling what I'm feeling, I thought, hunger. Too bad his body rejects the blood tablets.

I looked back at Yuuki and saw her sitting next to Kaname. Her eyes went wide with worry and I saw her stand before exclaiming, "What do you mean you can't save him?!"

I looked up at Ikuto, who looked down at me, before I heard Kaname reply, "I do not believe that there is a way. I'm sorry, Yuuki."

What the hell? I thought angerly. You know that there is a way Kaname. Do you not want Yuuki to know, or do you not want her to try and save her friend?

My eyes went wide when I suddenly saw Zero racing off with his hand covering half of his face. I looked hastily over at Yuuki and saw her eyes go wide as well. She mumbled something to Kaname before standing, bowing, and rushing off after Zero.

I saw Takuma walk up to Kaname and ask, "You're letting her get away that easily?"

Kaname smirked, "Don't worry, Takuma. Yuuki will come back to me."

What does he mean by that? I thought.

"I'm going to go see if Yuuki will be okay, since Zero is suddenly craving blood," I said, setting my drink down on the table. "You two stay here in case something happens."

"Are you--" Before Ikuto could finish his sentence I dashed off in the direction Yuuki ran in. I followed her scent when I suddenly heard a gunshot ring in the air.

The scent has changed, I thought, Zero?

I made my way through some brush when I saw Yuuki supporting Zero in a pool of water. I saw Zero's shoulder dyed red and a man standing above them with a rifle in his hand, pointing down at the two of them. He was tall and slim, with long dark brown hair and a cigarette in his mouth. His eyes were covered by his hat, but I could tell that he was looking intensively at Yuuki and Zero.

"Yu--" I took a step forward before a hand wrapped around my waist and covered my mouth, pulling me away from the scene. I forced myself out of its grasp and turned wide eyed by who it was.

"What the hell was that for, Ikuto?!" I exclaimed annoyingly, with a hint of anger in my voice.

"You do not want to go near that man," Ikuto hissed, looking away from me.

The tiny bit of resentment I had faded and I asked, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing," Ikuto said hastily. "Let's get back to the party."

Ikuto began to walk away and I grabbed his hand. He turned, somewhat shocked, and looked down upon me. I stayed silent for a few brief moments before I finally spoke confidently.

"I don't know why you're acting like this," I said with a sly smile on my face, tightening my grip on Ikuto's hand, "but I know it's for a good reason."

Ikuto locked eyes with me for a few seconds before continuing back to the Moon Dorms. Our hands remained locked and, as he gripped mine a little tighter, I smiled amusingly. My smile quickly faded, however, and my mind began to wander.

Ikuto has a connection to that man, I thought. I hope to one day figure out what it is.

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