Chapter Forty-Eight: The Dance

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I kept my arms around Senri for quite some time. After a few moments I unwrapped myself from his embrace and he turned, sending a smile my way. I instantly noticed a piece of pocky hanging out of his mouth. Typical.

"There you are," he said. "I was looking for you."

"Likewise," I said with a grin. "I'm sorry it took so long for me to get here."

"It's fine," Senri reassured. "Rima was keeping me company until you got here."

I looked behind Senri and saw Rima with her usual twin pigtails and a formal white dress on. The dress actually suited her well to my surprise. She had a slight smile on her face which I actually didn't see often from her. She also had a stick of pocky in her mouth, both her and Senri's favorite treat.

"You look nice," she mumbled.

Rima suddenly brushed past Senri and grabbed my arm, pulling me through the crowd with her. I heard Senri yell, "hey," but we were already far away from him by then. As Rima was pushing through the crowd I saw, out of the corner of my eye, Yuuki dancing with Kaname.

He must've asked her, I thought. Why would she go with him?

Rima led me over to the balcony, away from the mix of Day Class and Night Class students. I noticed a grin make its way onto her lips and I shuddered.

"I have a question," she muttered slyly. "You better answer honestly.

I gulped. "S-sure."

Why the hell is this so terrifying to me? I thought.

Rima breathed in heavily before a wide smile crossed her face leaving me dumbfounded.

"Do you like Senri? Like.... like like?" she asked cheerfully.

My face instantly flushed red and I heard a giggle escape her lips. Why was she being so giddy all of the sudden?

"Well that answered my question," she grinned as she leaned on the railing.

"I didn't say anything!" I exclaimed suddenly, instantly regretting my words.

"Your face said it all," she said.

"We're just childhood friends. That's all," I murmured.

Rima sighed, "You might not realize it but he does have feeling for you."

I instantly perked my head up, "Wait--"

"There you guys are!" a voice suddenly yelled behind us. I turned and saw Senri huffing and puffing at the doorway. "You don't know how crowded it is in there!"

"We did," Rima said returning to her quiet composure. "I should get going. Hope you two have fun."

Rima left the two of us alone and awkward silence occurred briefly. I instantly began to think about what Rima had said. Senri had feelings for me? He obviously did, I did too infact. But I thought he cared about me as a friend and part of his family. I never once thought about his feelings as something more.

Do I feel that way towards him? I thought over and over again. Do I?

I felt a tugging at my heart but it wasn't caused by my bloodlust this time. I suddenly had so many conflicting emotions rise up from deep within that I didn't know what to do. Do I ask Senri about it or do I stay silent? What would I do if he said yes? What would I say in return?

So many questions filled my mind.

My thoughts were interrupted when Senri spoke. I blinked and he was suddenly in front of me. I must've spaced out for a second. He look my palms into his and I perked my head up.

"Would you like to dance with me?" he asked with sparkling eyes.

"O-of course!" I stuttered.

Senri took my hand into his moments later. A gentle smile crossed his lips as he looked down at me; his date for the night. I felt my cheeks burn slightly as I smiled kindly in return. I placed my free hand on his shoulder and he put his around my waist.

We instantly began to dance with the flow of the music. Backwards, left, forward, right, repeat. I felt happy to be dancing with Senri. After a few seconds of just enjoying the music and flowing with it I felt Senri rest his forehead against mine and I instantly smiled.

Maybe I do, I thought. I'm really enjoying this.

The song ended and Senri backed away from me. Our hands stayed entwined as I looked down upon our cupped palms and smiled.

"That was nice," I cooed.

I began to think about what Rima said. I really wanted to know if Senri did have feelings for me, so I had no choice but to ask.

"Senri, do you.... have feelings for me?" I asked silently.

Senri's eyes widened and he began to stutter. "I-I...."

"That looked sweet," someone chuckled behind Senri. I peeked over Senri's shoulder and saw Ikuto leaning against the doorway.

"Hey, Ikuto," I giggled.

Senri sighed and we both turned to the hunter.

"How's patrolling going?" I asked as I skipped over to him and wrapped my arms around one of his.

"It's going okay," Ikuto said. "The only vampire I've had a problem with was Aidou."

"Figures," I mumbled.

I began to ponder on whether or not a certain Night Class student was at the ball.

"Ikuto, have you seen Maria at all tonight? It'd be odd if she wasn't," I asked sternly.

Ikuto shook his head. "No. I thought that was odd as well. I better go back before I get caught."

Ikuto sent a wink my way before heading back inside. Moments after I felt Senri entwine his hand into mine and I looked over at him, our gazes meeting meaningfully.

"Akane, about before...." Senri was obviously being hesitant but I just sent a smile his way.

"Senri, you don't have to answer that," I reassured.

"But I feel like I have to," he said sternly.

Senri suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around me and I stood there in slight shock.

"Akane, when you asked me if I had feelings for you I was hesitant to say or not but I want you to know the truth..."

He's going to say it, I thought.

"Akane, I will admit that I feel deep emotions for you. But I don't want to—" Senri tightened his grip around me and I quickly returned the gesture by wrapping my arms around him.

"It's okay, Senri," I cooed sweetly. "I—"

The sweet aroma all vampires know too well instantly filled the air and I turned wide eyed. Senri was the first to release me and we instantly locked eyes.

"Yuuki," I muttered.

Why now? I thought. Senri and I were....

"Senri, that's Yuuki's blood. Somethings not right!" I said worriedly. "I have to go see if she's okay. I'll be right back, okay?"

Senri shook his head, "I'm going with you. I want to make sure you'll be okay."

"But—" Senri instantly cut me off.

"No buts," Senri said sternly with a slight smile moment after.

I rolled my eyes before we leaped off the balcony and ran towards the direction the scent was coming from.

Yuuki, please be alright, I thought.

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