Chapter Twenty-Four: Bickering in the Sunlight

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My eyes went wide with hate because I didn't see Senri standing before us, but Kaname. I clenched my hands into fists once more and prepared to scream at him once more, but Ikuto stopped me from doing so by walking in front of me.

"What are you doing here, Kaname?" He asked annoyed.

"I was just looking for the two of you. You weren't in your dorms so I decided to come and search for you," Kaname purred sweetly.

"Well here we are, so leave," I hissed.

"I'm guessing you're not happy to see me," Kaname said sadly, "it really is a shame."

In the blink of an eye Kaname wasn't before us, but behind me wrapping his arms around my abdomen. I was paralyzed for a few seconds before I started struggling in Kaname's grasp.

"Let me go--" I was taken off guard when I felt Kaname's breathing towards my neck. My eyes went wide because I thought he was going to do you know what but luckily he didn't, and the words that came out of his mouth filled my body with rage.

"I know deep down you still love me," he purred, "you're just being too stubborn to admit it."

My eyes went wide and I continued to struggle in his grasp. Suddenly I heard the sound of a gun click and when I looked behind me I saw Ikuto holding a pistol in his hands pointing it at Kaname. I saw Ikuto with a ticked off look on his face. A look that I'd never seen plastered on him before.

"She told you to let her go," Ikuto hissed, "so let her go."

"You're so scary," Kaname said blankly, letting me go.

Ikuto withdrew his weapon and Kaname walked past him, not giving a care in the world that Ikuto was still looking at him like he was his prey. Kaname paused and looked back at us with his blank expression.

"I'd recommend you stay away from Kiryu," Kaname said, "he'll only get you into more trouble."

With those final words Kaname went back into the dormitories, leaving Ikuto and I alone. I walked over to Ikuto and placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked down at me, sighed, and put the gun in his jacket.

"He doesn't have the right to question you like that," Ikuto said angerly, "why the hell is he being so pushy with you after betraying you?"

"I think he wants me to forgive him," I cooed, "like that'll ever happen."

I looked up at Ikuto to see his face softened and I sighed, "Anyway, where the hell did that gun come from?!"

"I've always had it," Ikuto said calmly.

"And you've decided just now to let me know? Geez," I mumbled, putting my head in my hand.

"Where do you think Senri is?" Ikuto asked.

"I don't know," I mumbled, "but there has to be an explanation. Maybe Kaname caught him and sent him back to his dorm, then he proceeded up here?"

"I guess that could be one scenario," Ikuto said, "let's go back to our dorm. I'm getting tired sitting here and waiting."

"Okay," I said.

Ikuto and I walked through the halls to our dorm. We opened the door and began to walk inside when we suddenly heard a voice emit from down the hall.


I turned and saw Senri running towards us. My face lit up instantly with joy.

Just what I need right now, I thought.

"There you are!" I exclaimed. "Where were you? We were waiting up until Kaname decided to show up."

"Sorry," Senri mumbled, scratching the back of his head, "I got caught up in something with Takuma."

"Who's that?" Ikuto asked sternly.

"He's the vice president. He has blonde hair and green eyes," Senri said.

"Do you want to come in? We can talk privately without prying eyes," I asked happily.

Senri nodded his head hastily and all three of us entered the dorm. Senri and I sat down next to each other while Ikuto stood next to us. Senri stayed silent while he twiddled with his fingers, obviously nervous about being alone with Ikuto and I.

"Senri," I cooed, "are you nervous about something?"

"Of course not!" Senri exclaimed hastily. "It's just that I don't know where to start. After all we've been separated for a decade."

"Do you mind telling me what has happened to you the past ten years?" I asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I don't mind," Senri said, "although I know it wasn't as bad as yours or Ikuto's."

I lowered my head and sighed miserably, "I stayed at the manor under close watch. Luckily Rido went to rest so I didn't have to deal with him, but I did have to deal with one of his very loyal subjects. Ikuto went back to the Vampire Hunter Association and is now a full fledged Vampire Hunter. He's appointed as my body guard during my time here."

"I--" Senri paused. "I kind of went through a rebellious stage."

"Never thought I'd here you say that," Ikuto joked.

Senri sent Ikuto a glare, "Me neither. But I couldn't stop thinking if Akane was alright or not. I had just found out Rido was basically killing you little by little then you got paralyzed and I was forced to leave you. As a result I didn't eat much and I didn't socialize with my mother or our guests a lot."

Kinda like me in a way, I thought.

"But I'm glad to see you back on your feet," Senri cooed, "Kaname did tell us that we were going to get two new students but he didn't specify who they were. I bet you could see the shock in my face."

"I bet you could see the same for us," I said smiling, "I never thought I'd see you again. But there you were, in the flesh."

Senri giggled slyly as I wrapped my arms tightly around him without warning. His eyes went wide but he too wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and felt a tear glide down my cheek.

"I'm so happy your here," I purred, grabbing Ikuto and pulling him down into our embrace without saying a word, "both of you."

We stayed like that for a long time. All of us finally together, reunited.

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