Chapter Twenty-Three: Rendezvous

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Ikuto and I continued to look wide eyed at the maroon colored boy while he did the same to us. I wouldn't look away, I was just too shocked. He had the same features but he matured a lot over the last decade we were separated. Ikuto's light tap on my shoulder brought me out of my trance and we continued down the stairs trying to surpress our shock, excitement, and even a little anger.

I murmured to Ikuto, "Don't let Kaname know of our connection to Senri. Who knows what he'd do."

"Got it," Ikuto whispered.

As Ikuto and I walked nearer to the Night Class I noticed more of the students attention shifting to us. Kaname was of course the first one, so I worried a little if he saw Ikuto and I looking at Senri dumbfounded.

Please don't have him already be suspicious, I thought worriedly.

"Everyone," Kaname purred, suddenly appearing next to me and wrapping his arm around me, "this is my younger sister Akane and her body guard Ikuto. Please treat them with respect."

My face instantly became twisted and I wiggled out of Kaname's grasp. As soon as I took a few steps away from him I smiled sweetly and cooed, "It's a pleasure to meet all of you."

Of course all of my attention was glued to Senri, who sent a brief glare at Kaname before looking at Ikuto and I standing side by side. It was then that I noticed that the rest of the Night Class was looking at me with a shocked look on their faces, and I had no idea why.

"I thought the Kuran Clan only had one child," I saw a female whisper to Senri.

"I guess not," Senri replied nervously.

"Let's all head out everyone," Kaname purred slightly annoyed.

The whole Night Class stood up in unison and followed Kaname out the door. Ikuto and I stayed behind, wanting to stay at the back of the crowd. I then noticed that Senri didn't go ahead with the other students. He was standing in place looking down.

"Senri," I mumbled.

In the blink of an eye Senri moved in front of us and wrapped one of his arms around Ikuto and I. We stayed in place for a few moments before Ikuto and I wrapped an arm around him as well. He actually started whimpering a little while I got a little teary eyed. I was so happy to see him, and I didn't want to let him go. Ironically I was the first one to step out of the embrace and caress Senri's cheek. He looked at me with tears about to flow down his cheeks, and I just merely smiled.

"I'm so happy to see you again," I purred, "Ri-chan."

"Me too," he mumbled, tears gliding down his cheek, "both of you."

Ikuto sighed, "Now isn't the time to talk. Kaname will realize we aren't with the crowd. We should go."

"As tough as always," Senri mumbled annoyed.

I giggled, "He's right. Let's meet after classes, on the rooftop of the Moon Dorms."

"Okay," Senri mumbled sadly, "I'll be looking forward to it."

Senri ran off, leaving Ikuto and I alone. We looked at each other and I smiled at Ikuto, obviously overjoyed by what just happened.

"After all these years of thinking I'd never see Senri again I did," I cooed, "I'm so happy."

"I am too," Ikuto said, "I was worried he was dead."

"Such a morbid thought," I giggled, "let's go."

Ikuto and I left the Moon Dorms and headed to class.


Although we got to class minutes before it started I could tell Kaname was really suspicious of where we were. Luckily he didn't ask any questions and we took our seats above Senri.

"Kaname does not look happy," Ikuto mumbled in my ear.

"Why the hell would I care?" I asked grinning.

"Well you don't want him to know about you and Senri, and I'm pretty sure he already has his suspicions when the three of us are late to class."

"Technically we aren't late because class hasn't begun yet," I said, "plus it's none of his business."

"We didn't get here at the same time as the rest of the students. It's not like we weren't ready."

"You overthink things," I mumbled, "he shouldn't even be trying to pry into my past after what he did to me. He doesn't have the right to know anything about me."

Ikuto stayed silent after that, clearly not wanting to proceed with this conversation about Kaname. I looked to my left to see Kaname leaning against the wall peering up at me from his book, making me hiss. I looked to the right and saw the doors open and a vampire walk through with glasses and long white hair.

Let class begin.


I leaned on the railing looking up at the rising sun. Ikuto also leaned on the railing, but he was looking away. Not a word had been said between the two of us in the ten minutes we were standing there, waiting for Senri.

Ikuto looked at me with a sunken look on his face.

"What will you say to him?" He asked. "You two were so close. Do you think you could talk to each other the same way you talked before?"

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I looked back at the rising sun, unsure of what to say.

I know what Ikuto is getting at, I thought, we had such a big argument before we were separated, an argument about trust.

What if he never got over that? A voice purred in my head, the same one as before. What if deep inside he still doesn't trust you?

An irritated look crossed my face and I clenched my hand into a fist. I looked over at Ikuto and said boldly, "I believe we can. You two are the only two people I love in this world."

I saw Ikuto's eyes go wide before we suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind us. We both turned and saw a man walking towards us.


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