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Don't worry, I didn't kill myself. Though at the time I did want to, I knew I still had to keep fighting. Ikuto told me we would meet again someday, and I wanted to see Ikuto and Senri again so much. I wouldn't let Rido, nor my paralyzed legs, keep me from doing that.

At this point in time I've told you about my horrible past, the only good part being the friendships I've had with Senri and Ikuto. But as you saw from the previous chapter, I soon lost those two as well. If I continued the story the way it is, then we'll be learning about my past forever! And let's just say the next ten years aren't as interesting as my first five at the manor, so I'll tell you all the interesting parts right here.

You might be wondering how long I stayed in that room after Rido locked me there. Let's just say it was a long time, four months to be exact. But during that time I kept fighting, to overcome my new weakness. But because I'm a Pureblood I didn't stay totally paralyzed. If I was a normal human I would've been paralyzed for good, however, because I kept pushing myself all day everyday I soon had the ability to stand, stand! Without support! I was very proud of myself, but the next step was being able to walk once more, and run, leap, dance, etc. Which I was able to do by the end of the ten years. But my legs were still very fragile, and one hard blow could make me paralyzed again. And I wouldn't know how long.

When I was let out of my room I was greeted by my uncle. I didn't show him regret for what I did, I showed him even more rage. But because at the end of the fourth month I could only stand with support I couldn't do anything to him, only growl which made my uncle laugh under his breath. He wasn't there to punish me more, only to tell me that he was going into rest. He then revealed to me that while he was fighting Haruka he got injured in his head, and so he had to go to sleep to heal himself. But the news wasn't over yet. Next Rido told me I wouldn't be totally alone in the manor. I would have a butler, who walked into my room seconds later. He had the aura of an Aristocrat and looked to have been alive for centuries. His name was Sebastian, but if he agreed to be my butler while my uncle was at rest then he had to be a follower of Rido's, I just knew it.

As soon as my uncle went to rest I began to make escape plans, but before any could go into action I had to be able to walk on my own. That took eight years, and by that time my legs became fully functional. So by the time I was seventeen I had so many plans in mind to escape the manor with, and find Ikuto and Senri. But as you might guess all of those plans failed. I didn't get punished severely, but I was still punished every single time. And because all of my plans failed, I was stuck in the manor which I despised.

After all my attempts to escape Sebastian decided to keep me under close watch. So where ever I turned I would see him, so I couldn't pull any stunts. I then took it upon myself to stay in my room most of the time, and during that time I began to change. You might remember me as being the giddy little Pureblood who adored Senri and Ikuto, but I soon became secretive and showed no emotion. What caused this change in me? I lost hope. Hope that Ikuto would keep his promise, hope that my freedom would be gained, hope that I would feel love ever again.

The next two years was basically the same. There is nothing more to it. But after the ten years were over things began to change. But I shouldn't mention that now, fore that is the next part of the story!

Let's continue.

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