Chapter Seventy-One: Help

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That wouldn't work in this scenario.

If I tried to stay away he'd come looking for me. He always would.

All he wanted was to toy with me.

And I let him.

I would sit in a different seat during classes. The back right-hand corner where no one was around, not even Kaname. He'd always sit next to me. He'd even act just like the one I loved.

It made me sick.

Today was just like all the other days. His arm wrapped around me and I felt his breath on my cheek.

"You look lovely today, Akane."

I didn't say a word. I never did. I would avert my vision to meet my brother's gaze. His eyes were always narrow.

I wanted help....but I wouldn't take it even if it was handed right to me. Kaname could easily save me. Maybe help me find a way to save Senri too. However, the mere thought of something going wrong was too much to bare. Rido could easily dispose of Senri and he's be nothing but a pile of ash.

That would be a whole new level of heartbreak. I wouldn't let myself experience it. Not now, not ever.

So for the last week I had just let him do as he pleased; my heart breaking more with each passing day.

Every morning I would walk by the Day Class. I'd see Yuuki, see how cheerful she was, and wish I could be more like her.

I wanted to open up to her.

I wanted to be her friend.

But every time I'd even think of speaking to her, the same words would echo in my mind.

Remember all of the pain she caused you. Remember how much you have suffered because of her.

I felt a lump in my throat whenever I heard those words. I wanted so desperately to not believe it, but a part of me was always telling me it wasn't a lie....

I could never trust my family no matter how much I wanted to. I had suffered so much because of them.

But was it true?

I had every reason not to but I couldn't help it. It was as though something inside of me is telling me to believe it all.

I didn't know what to believe.

It honestly frightened me.

But somehow, someway, seeing Yuuki smile made that fear inside of me fade, even if it was just for a mere moment.

Before I was dragged back into reality.

Into the hell I had been living in.

Alone, with no one to turn to.

My friends, who always had my back, were nowhere to be seen. Ikuto was off on a mission. I hoped he'd return safely.

But Senri....

Every time I saw those devious mismatched eyes I wanted to cry. I had failed him and now I was paying the price.

I didn't want him to suffer.

I had to do something.

But what? What could I do?

What could I do to save him???

Be his toy.

That was all I could do. Let him do as he pleased. Let him mess with me. Let him get to me. Let him know that I was at his mercy.

All of this was to protect Senri.



It was well past twelve and I still had gotten no shut eye. I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. Who could blame me?

I looked out the window, lost in my own thoughts. I sat on the ledge as the glaring sun beat down on my body. Without realizing it, I slowly wrapped my arms around myself.

The sun was hot, yet why did I suddenly feel a slight chill? My eyes widened slightly as I heard a light knock on the door.

"Akane," a voice cooed.

I shivered before standing to go answer it. I stood by the door for a few moments, my hand shaking, before opening it.

There stood my best friend.

Or what looked like him.

He wrapped his arms around me and started to run his fingers down my locks. I stayed still, silent.

"What's wrong, my dearest Akane?" he asked. "Cat got your tongue?"

I didn't say a word. He caressed my cheek.

"I have been nothing but nice to you, but you have been so neglectful to me...." I felt a hand wrap tightly around my throat. "Are you scared? Don't make me laugh!"

I started to gag. "L-let—"

He chuckled. "Oh, how I love to see you suffer. It fills me with such joy!" His eyes filled with distasteful excitement, a look unfitting for my friend.

"L-let Senri go...." I felt tears well up in my eyes and he wiped them away with a sly grin.

"Is this what it's all about? Letting Senri free? Haha, you haven't served your purpose yet."

He pinned me to a wall before leaning in.

"You see, I have something very important for you to do. Won't you help me?"

I closed my eyes and told myself the same thing I've thought time and time again. This isn't real. This isn't real.

This is reality, Akane. Accept it.

"Let him go....and I'll—" Rido threw me across the floor and I collided with a wall. Sadly, the room was soundproof. No one would come and help me.

"You speak empty words. A dead promise you'd never keep," he hissed. "You need to learn your lesson. Enough with your childish nonsense or else your beloved will never wake up from his never ending nightmare."

My eyes slightly widened. Never ending...?

"What do you want?" I mustered under my breath.

"I want you to—" He chuckled suddenly. "Isn't this amazing? She's finally awakened!"


A new sensation came over me. I didn't just feel the presence of one other Pureblood besides me. I sensed a new aura, one of the highest vampire class.

Rido deviously looked down at me.

"I must get going. I need to see my beloved."

In the blink of an eye, he was gone. I was left speechless and also confused. It happened so suddenly that I needed a few seconds to process it.

Could it be....who I think it is?

You know exactly who.

My sister, Yuuki. Did Kaname change her? He would be the only one besides me that could do such a thing. I didn't know how I felt.

I should go....see her.

Now why would you do that? Now that she's awakened she'll treat you completely different.

She'll hate you.

No....I don't know that for sure....

I know everything, Akane. Don't be a fool.

I shut my eyes and ran out of the room, unsure of where I was going.

Akane Kuran: The Unwanted [Vampire Knight]Where stories live. Discover now