Chapter Seventy-Eight: Save

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Ikuto's POV

I arrived back at the academy soon after the mission was completed. It was great to be back and I was looking forward to seeing both Akane and Senri. I had hoped that everything was okay and that in the few weeks I was gone nothing happened to them.

However, I couldn't shake the feeling in my chest that something did happen. I didn't know why but that feeling was strong and it even sent a chill down my spine.

I hurried to the Moon Dorms and up to the room that Akane and I shared. I turned the doorknob to see that it was actually unlocked. Oh well, maybe she just forgot to lock it while heading out. Or maybe she stayed in.

I opened the door to see no one was there. I set my bags down on the bed before I saw an envelope on the desk addressed to me in Akane's handwriting.

What's this...?

I took out the sheet of paper to see a letter addressed to me.

Dearest Ikuto,

I am so sorry to be writing you this.

I could feel my heartbeat getting slightly faster as I read.

...soon after you left we got attacked by Rido.

I could feel my hands begin to shake. Just reading his name left a sour taste in my mouth.

I'm going to do the only alternative option I have to save him. All I have to do is awaken Rido...

I couldn't stop thinking about how much he had used her while I was away. It then suddenly hit me. The reason I was sent away now. Sure, the mission was important but why me? Why was I the choice to go on that mission with the group? I had heard rumors that Rido had connections within the association but to think it was actually true...

I hissed under my breath.

You can be mad at me. You might think I'm just a fool right now.

I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at him.

I must go now. Please don't worry about me too much.

I knew that he had just led her into a trap. A trap that she could die from. This could've been stopped. If I just declined the mission they'd both be okay. Or...

I placed the paper back on the desk before storming out of the room. I headed to where he would most likely be. The one person who could've protected her if Senri and I couldn't.

I barged into Kaname's dorm. He was there along with Ruka and Aido but it's not like I cared. All of their attention turned towards me as I marched up to Kaname and grabbed him by his collar, not caring that he was a superior.


"How dare you treat Lord Kaname in such a matter?!" Ruka exclaimed. The air grew a bit colder as a grim expression crossed Hanabusa's face.

"I believe I know what this is about," Kaname said calmly. "You two may leave. We will continue our discussion later."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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