Chapter Sixteen: Vampire

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Ikuto’s POV

I became very flustered after Akane left suddenly, actually even more flustered. What was making her act like this? She never wanted to run away before, even though I’d only been here for only half a year. On top of that she smiled at Haruka Kuran’s death, like she was going crazy. Akane didn’t go into much detail of why the Kurans hated her, but it was obvious she had a burning hate inside of her that was itching to get out. And I’m guessing after seeing the family which she despised after all these years that anger she stored away was released, which explained why she left me alone in the woods. Likely going to cool off.

I’d been wandering around in the trees for quite some time. I’d gotten used to the wind blowing into my face rapidly and the fact I couldn’t see far from where I stood. I wrapped myself in my own embrace to keep myself at least a little warmer. Though I was lost and freezing I couldn’t stop thinking about Akane. I couldn’t stop worrying about if something happened to her, or if she did something horrible. What if she too got lost? No, she was a Pureblood. She could find her way back to the manor. But because I was a human I didn’t have the leisure of finding my way back so easily, so I was less lucky.

I suddenly saw something in front of me. It started as a faint shadow, before the figure became more clear and detailed. Even before I could see who it was I could tell it was a vampire, and the scent of blood was strong. I tried to hide, but it was as if I was frozen in my spot. I wasn’t scared of who came out, but my legs refused to moved. I felt like a little rabbit caught in a foxes trap.

But the outcome was worse than that. The outcome would change my life forever.

Akane's POV

I looked around aimlessly for Ikuto but I couldn't find him. I grew more weary by the second. Did something happen to him? I thought. Is he dead?! No, I'd smell blood. Unless he died from being in the cold too long! I should've at least given him my hood, it would've made him a little warmer! So many disturbing thoughts filled my head and I couldn't control it. I thought of the worst things that could've happened to him. There could be Level E vampires in those woods, and he had no weapon to defend himself with.

But then I smelled blood, the scent I feared most in that moment. The smell was faint but strong, and I knew it had to be Ikuto. I hastily ran through the bushes and the trees to follow the scent exactly. I felt the wind brush past my rosy red cheeks and past my scraped legs. I wouldn't slow down for a second, not until I saw Ikuto.

I did, but it was a truly painful sight. Ikuto was lying on the ground with his face twisted in pain as he held his hand to his neck, which was stained with blood.

"Ikuto!" I exclaimed, rushing over to him and lifting him onto my lap.

Ikuto didn't say a word, nor did he look up at me. I gently removed his hand from his neck and saw two deep bite marks in it. Which explained all the blood.

For a second I didn't know what to think. He was biten by a vampire. But what were the chances of that vampire being a Pureblood? Little to none! But I then sensed Ikuto's aura. It was...different. Before long I finally pinpointed what was wrong, Ikuto had the aura of a vampire.

"Ikuto," I cooed, bringing him closer into my embrace. "I'm sorry."

When I released Ikuto he finally opened his eyes, which showed a red colored luster. My heart nearly broke, and I felt tears forming. I then felt foolish of my actions, this could've been prevented. But I then heard the crunching of snow behind us, and when I turned my head I was mortified.

"Hello Akane," my uncle purred with blood on his lips.

I didn't say a word for a few moments. The blood I smelled on my uncle was the same smell as the blood which Ikuto was stained with. When words finally escaped my mouth I mumbled, "But why?"

Rido chuckled before glaring at me, "You see Akane this boy is causing too much trouble. So he had to be punished."

I looked back down at Ikuto and saw him look right into my eyes. My face sunk as he looked at me with his new eyes, and I knew he wouldn't be the same. He was no longer human, and he was going to to turn into a Level E. I tightened my grip on Ikuto as I thought that he would go insane one day. But I wouldn't let that happen.

"Please," I cooed, looking up at my uncle with serious eyes. "Save him."

Rido looked wide eyed at my request before chuckling, "Or what?"

I lowered by head, letting only Ikuto see that I was about to burst in tears. I stood shakily and then looked into my heated uncles eyes, with my eyes burning with rage.

"Save him if you ever want my blood again."

I had never been this serious about anything before. But Ikuto was my friend, no, he was family. And I wouldn't allow Ikuto to go insane, and then be exterminated. I cared for him, and I didn't want to see him suffer anymore hardship.

I suddenly felt something gripping my throat as I was pinned to a tree. I slowly opened my pained eyes as I saw Rido looking at me with a grin plastered on his lips. Before I had the chance to speak Rido's fangs pierced my neck, hard. Rido wouldn't let go and the pain I felt was worse then I ever experienced. I faintly heard Ikuto scream my name and after what seemed like an eternity Rido let me go and with heavy eyes I looked at my uncle.

"Don't bribe me Akane," he hissed. "Next time I won't go so easy on you."

Rido released me and I lost consciousness as I fell to the snow.


I opened my eyes and everything around me was blurry. My whole body felt numb but I slowly sat up on the bed. At that point I finally realized that I was back at the manor. I stayed like this for a few moments, looking down at my scraped hands in silence. But I lifted my head suddenly and turned wide eyed, ignoring the sudden pain I felt emitting from my neck.

Ikuto! I thought hastily.

I had completely forgotten what happened before I woke up. Ikuto was bitten by my uncle! And because I asked Rido to save him he bit me harshly. Where was Ikuto now? Is he resting in his room? Is he still lost in the woods, slowly turning into a vampire?

I flipped the covers off me hastily and attempted to jump out of the bed. But the second I moved I fell face first to the floor. I tried to get up once more, but failed. Only my arms were supporting my upper body as I turned wide eyed. I was trying to move, but I couldn't!

I couldn't feel my legs.

Akane Kuran: The Unwanted [Vampire Knight]Where stories live. Discover now