Chapter 1

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'Muuuuum! Daaaad! Hurry up or you'll miss your flight!'

Yes, 3 weeks without my parents will be great. They're visitng my grandparents in Spain and wanted to test me to see if I could look after myself because I was 18 now. Typical. Their only rule was no boys allowed back to the house except my bestfriend Bradley of course, we've been friends since we were babies.

*knock at the door*

'Oh hey Mr and Mrs Carter! All set for your trip?'

'Yeah, just got to load the luggage in the car and then we'll be off! How are you Brad? You haven't been round for ages, hope mum and dad are ok'

It was like 21 questions with my dad and Brad whenever he came round.

'Well we'll see you in 3 weeks guys! Jasmine, darling, I'll text you when we land in Spain ok? I love you, take care of yourself! Mwah!'

So that was it, 3 weeks of just me and Brad. Life couldn't get any better. It was good to finally have my bestfriend back, we hadn't properly spent time with eachother because of our exams so I'm hoping it'll be a good summer!

'Right, what do you want to do first then?' Brad shouted from the kitchen.

'Erm, I have no clue, you pick!'

'Can we have a lazy day please? I brought my onesie and a bunch of DVD's!' Brad looked at me with a huge grin on his face, how could I turn it down?

'Alright, alright, let me go get my onesie down!' I sighed as I gave into him. As I was walking upstairs I chuckled to myself thinking about Brad. How did I manage to end up with such an idiot of a bestfriend? Ha, I wouldn't change him for the world though. I eventually got my onesie and changed into it.

'We look like right idiots hahaha, if anyone walked in now they'd just see a monkey and a penguin watching a film!' I smiled at Brad before taking a few selfies in our onesies. We started off watching Just My Luck because we were both secretly big McFly fans.

About 2 hours passed and I could feel myself getting tired. I wanted to make sure I stayed awake for mum's text though, just to make sure they landed safely. I turned to see Brad asleep on the sofa next to me and just laughed. He always used to fall asleep first, ever since we were kids and tried to pull all nighters. Aw but he did look really cute. I got his phone and tweeted pictures of him sleeping, god he's going to kill me when he wakes up but oh well! His phone buzzed and I saw it was a message from his best mate James.

'Hey dude, look, what I said before about Jas I was out of order. I'm sorry how it came out but I was in a bad way and it was word vomit. Can we at least talk it out?'

Jas? I thought to myself, was that me? Was he talking about me? But why, why would he say something bad about me? James and I have only been friends for about 5 months, meeting at Brad's 18th, so why would he have anything bad to say? Oh crap Brad's asleep so he doesn't know about the message! Ok, act normal Jas, just see if he mentions anything in the morning or whatever.

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