Chapter 34- win lose situation

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It was Sunday morning and I had woken up to the sun shining through the window because someone forgot to draw the curtains last night. I did a huge stretch and got out of bed, looked in the mirror and thought ew. I quickly threw my hair up into a messy bun and put my slippers on to go downstairs. As I was doing so I heard a knock at the door.


He walked in with a tray of food and a massive smile on his face.

'Good morning baby'

'Ooh first a trip to New York and now breakfast in bed? Someone's trying to stay on my good side' I winked.

He put the tray down and wrapped his arms around me. 'I love you so much' He kissed me.

'I can't believe today's my last day staying with you'

'What why?!'

'Your parents are back tonight idiot'

'Oh.. Yeah I completely forgot. This weekend has gone so quick, I wish you could just permanently stay here' he pulled the puppy dog eyes.

'Oh don't do that! I don't want to leave either. My parents are back tomorrow and I haven't even thought about how I'm going to tell them about me and you'

'Well you better think of it quick, we're off to New York the day after!'

'Yes yes I know! Wait I thought you were meeting Connor on Tuesday?'

'Well oh I should cancel that I guess'

'But wouldn't you have known about New York for a while? So why would you plan to go to the studio and record if you're flying in the morning?'

'Well we didn't think we were going to go so we were still going to meet up?'

'Oh, yeah, makes sense I guess'

*Brad's POV*

'Jasmine, will you come to New York with me?'

I finally asked her! I knew I couldn't ask her just like that so I had to think of something special. I was talking to Connor about it and he said he did something similar with his girlfriend when he was surprising her with something so I thought it could work. Between me and you, I can't wait to have some proper alone time with Jas. Our relationship will definitely become a lot stronger with this time away.

Jas reminded me that my parents were coming home today, I hadn't even told them about New York! Surely they'd let me go though right? I mean, we're both adults technically. We know what we're doing.

Her phone rang and she got a call saying she was needed back at her house ASAP. I'd never seen someone look so worried! She raced over there in a second. I went after her.

When she got there everything looked as normal, nothing had moved or looked different. I walked in behind her closing the door. As we were walking upstairs to check we heard something move behind the sofa.


We looked over and it was Jas' parents! They had come home a day early to surprise her! Her face when she saw them was priceless, she was so happy!

*Jas' POV*

I really didn't want to leave Brad's. I was having such a good time with just us two. Oh well, I guess that's what New York will feel like. I'm still in shock about the trip! My phone rang and it was my friend Jenn, we'd been friends since year 7 and she was one of my closest friends. She rang me and said I needed to get home asap! I had all sorts of things rushing through my head. I rushed over and opened the door.


It was my parents! They'd come home a day early to surprise me! I burst into tears because I was so happy they were back but also because I was standing there fresh out of bed looking terrible.

'What are you doing back?! I was going to come and pick you up from the airport tomorrow!'

'I know, we just wanted to surprise you!' My mum came over and hugged me tight.


I saw my dad looking a bit down, he looked a bit out of it if I'm honest.

'Hi princess, oh I've missed you a lot' he also hugged me tight, but I could feel something was wrong.

'Soooo tell me about the trip then?! How was the weather? Was the food nice? How's nanna and granddad? Did you bring me anything back?'

'Woah slow down girl! Let us sit down at least!' My mum chuckled and we all went down to sit on the sofa.

'Oh erm I better leave you guys to it, you've got a lot to catch up on!' Brad turned to leave and said he'd text me later.

'Wait!' Everyone turned to me. 'I have, I mean we have some news' I went over to Brad and held his hand.

'It's official, me and Brad are going out and he surprised me with a trip to New York!!'

'Oh my goodness that's fantastic! Oh I'm so happy for you Jasmine, I knew this would happen!'

My dad came over to hug me again. 'Don't ever lose him ok Jas, he'll treat you right. I've always known it' I could see my dad's eyes watering as he pulled away.

'Dad? Is everything ok?'

He looked to my mum.

'Now now, let's not spoil this happy occasion ay, we can talk about this later' I saw my mum give 'the look' to my dad.

'No. We're talking about this now, I want to know what's going on and don't say nothing because it's definitely something'

'Well, we erm we have some news of our own..'

'You're not pregnant?!'

'No no sweetie. Erm, me and your dad, well we've decided to get a divorce..'

My jaw dropped and I let go of Brad's hand. I didn't know what to say. My parents? The people who made me believe that true love actually existed. I've always been so sceptical and they are the ones I've always looked up to. I froze for a minute then just ran out of the house, down the road. I just kept running.

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