Chapter 36- things will get better

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*Jas' POV*

I couldn't stay at home that night so Brad told me to stay at his. I felt really empty like I didn't know what to do with myself. I even forgot that New York was the day after tomorrow! This meant I had to face going back home to pack but it also meant I was away from everything for a week which could help.

Brad's parents were back and so was his sister which helped take my mind off things because I was distracted. I don't think Brad told them what had happened but I guess they'd find out sooner or later. I went up to the spare room and all my things were exactly how I left them before I had to rush home. It was quite late in the evening and everyone finished eating dinner so was just relaxing in the front room.

'Hey kids, want to go out for ice cream?!'

'Mum, we're not kids!'

'You may be adults but you'll still be 5 years old to me, even you Jas!'

'That's exactly what my dad always says to me' I laughed.

'Soo what do you say? Fancy some dessert?'

'Oh go on then!' Brad turned to me and gave his reassuring smile. It made me feel safe.

Brad's parents went out to buy the ice cream while we stayed at home to save us all getting ready and going. They got back and we decided to watch Mean Girls as it was the first movie we saw on TV. As it was on Brad's mum caught Brad scooping half his ice cream into my bowl and half of mine into his.

'Do I even ask what you two are doing?'

Brad looked up and laughed. 'Oh we've always done this! I would get mint chocolate chip and Jas would get candy floss then we'd split it in half with eachother'

'It's just become a habit really?'

'Yeah but it's cute' Brad smiled as kissed me. I felt my cheeks go red, I got embarrassed kissing Brad in front of his family even though I'm sure they'd seen it before.

Once the film ended everyone else went upstairs and me and Brad stayed downstairs just talking. I was sitting up and had Brad's head on my lap. I loved just running my fingers through his curls.

'Hey Brad?'


'Everything's going to be ok, isn't it? Like, things won't always stay bad, right?'

'Of course not! As long as I'm around things will always be good' He turned his head so he was looking up at me. 'This is only the start of a good time, I promise you'

I bent down to kiss him. 'I'm so glad I have you to get me through this'

'Don't be silly, I would've been here anyway! I'm your bestfriend idiot'

'I know, I know but I forget that most times! Not many people fall in love with their best friends you know'

'Hmm that's true. But I kind of knew I would once we became older'


'Yeah! Ok maybe not actually going out with you but I've always liked you, I just never thought you'd like me back'

'Well I'll be honest with you, I never thought I'd like you because I thought it'd be weird'

'Oh, cheers!'

'No not like that! You know what I mean! I didn't want to ruin anything!'

'I know, don't worry. I'm glad this happened though'

'Me too' I smiled.

It was 11 and we decided to get some sleep as we had an early start for New York tomorrow. We got to the top of the stairs and Brad hugged me to say goodnight and gave me a kiss before turning right to go to his room and I went left to mine. I turned off the light and just lay in the darkness. I couldn't get to sleep. I looked at my phone and saw two messages.

*1 message from mum*

'Goodnight darling, sorry for everything today. We hope you don't hate us and understand that what we did wasn't to hurt you or anyone. Know that we'll always love you and hopefully we can talk in the morning xxx'

I curled up in my duvet and just wanted everything bad to go away. I felt myself crying again. It's like Brad knew as he text me;

'I love you so much, everything will be ok xxxxx'

I heard my door open and then close. I peered out of my duvet and saw Brad at the end of my bed, he turned on the lamp. We didn't say anything, he just climbed into bed next to me, pulled me in close to him and whispered what he just text me. I could feel my tears falling down my face and onto Brad's arm, he hugged me tighter.

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