Chapter 58

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So today was our last day at home before we went to America for 3 weeks. All the boys were staying round mine tonight to make it easier getting to the airport and all that. During the day we all spent time with our families as this was the probably the longest all of us would be away from them, it's hard being a mummy's boy you know.

*1 message from Jas*

'Hey, I finish school in an hour if you want me to come round and help with any last minute packing?? Let me know xxxx'

I still haven't brought up the whole decision making thing from yesterday, I didn't want to upset her but I think it's probably upsetting me more! I've tried my best not to think about it, I don't want to leave on a bad note. I left it a while before texting back telling her she can come round if she wants.

I heard a knock on the door and saw Jas standing there with a massive teddy bear and a card. She had a big grin on her face.

'Oh hello! What's all this?'

She held the bear in front of her face, 'I'm going to miss you'

'Aw I'll miss you too!' I pulled her in for a hug.

'Here, open it' she handed me the card.

'Dear my little Bwadley bear,

I don't care how soppy this sounds but the next 3 weeks will be the hardest. I'll miss having you by my side everyday and now I have to worry about the stupid time difference! I know this is huge for you which is why I'm excited for you, I'm putting on my happy face :) I know you'lll be majorly busy but if you're free anytime then remember, I'm only a skype call away! I've told the boys to look after you, we all know what you get like when you're away from mummy's supervision ;) but even though I will miss you tons I want you to have the best time away and don't worry about anything back home ok, we'll all be fine.

I love you millions,

Jas xxxxxx'

Now I never cry but in that moment, I couldn't help myself! Jas wiped away the falling tear on my cheek and gave me a kiss.

'Hey, it'll be alright you know. It's not like you're going away forever' she hugged me tight.

'I know, I just wish you could come with me'

'Well like I said, if you have some spare time then ring me or skype me, I don't care what time it is, you can call me whenever, ok?' I nodded. 'Now come on then, let's finish packing!'

We went upstairs and when Jas went into my room she stood in shock at how messy it was. There were clothes everywhere. Well, what do you expect? I'm a boy! As far as I'm concerned shoving clothes into my suitcase was the packing done. Clearly not..

'Brad, do you understand the concept of packing?'

'Putting clothes into a suitcase, it's not rocket science Jasmine'

'You've literally just packed t-shirts and loads of pairs of black skinny jeans?'

'Yeah, what's wrong with that?'

'Right so you're planning on living in one pair of underwear, one pair of shoes, no socks and no toothbrush?'

'Oh well erm..' I stood there scratching my head. Maybe I didn't have this whole packing thing down.

Jas laughed. 'Leave it with me, you idiot'

Jas had my packing done in about an hour and I felt prepared. God knows what would have happened if I went with what I originally packed. It was coming up to 6 and the boys were all coming around at 8. I really wished Jas could stay round but I guess it'd make the boys feel a bit uncomfortable. We went downstairs, put on a film and cuddled up on the sofa. Neither of us really said anything, I don't even think I was watching the film to be honest. Before we knew it it was already 8 and the boys were knocking on the door.

'I'm coming, I'm coming!'

'Waheeey lads trip to America, here we come!' Connor started yelling.

'Is he drunk?'

'No comment' James and Tristan looked at eachother and started laughing.

They all walked into the living room where Jas was getting her things together to leave.

'Oh, hey Jas. Didn't realise you were here!' James went to hug her.

'Yeah I was just leaving, enjoy your boys night in and makes sure Connor's actually alive for the trip!'

'Aw, are you not staying round?'

'A night in with the 4 of you? I think I'll pass!' She laughed.

'Hey, I'll walk you home. Right you guys I'll be like 10 minutes max, Tris you're in charge!'

We left as soon as we could and I walked Jas home. Although she only lived across the road, the walk home felt like hours. As we approached her house neither of us said anything and we stood in silence for a bit.

'So, erm, I guess I'll see you in 3 weeks then' she said softly.

'Yeah, I guess you will' I looked down.

She reached out to hug me as we said goodbye. 'Right you, text me when you've landed there ok? Have an amazing time too, you guys deserve it'

'I'll miss you loads, take care alright. I love you'

'I love you too. Honestly though, don't worry about anything at home, mum's here and I'll pop round yours every now and again to see your mum and dad'

'You angel. Now come here' I pulled her in for one last hug and I really didn't want to let go. I kissed her on the forehead and walked home.

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