Chapter 47- last day

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*Jas' POV*

I had the best time in Brighton with Brad, I'll never forget it. It's been hard going out and him being recognised but I guess it can never go back to the way it was before. Even if that was the last time I could go out with him before it gets too much, I'm happy.

So today was the last day of summer and I had so much work to do, typical me never learning to do my work earlier. I woke up early to start my work and by the time it was 11, I'd finished most of it! My mind wondered and I replayed the last 6 weeks in my head. What a crazy summer it's been. Tomorrow will be so weird not walking into school with Brad, not sitting with him at lunch, not seeing him distract me from the corner of my eye behind our English teachers back and not spending every day with him.

'Oh, right Jas. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. It's his life and you knew what you were signing up to' I said to myself as I wiped away a falling tear.

Truth is, I didn't know what I was signing up to. I had no clue it would happen this quickly. I think I just tell myself I do to make it easier. I mean, it's not like every girl has to deal with their boyfriends suddenly becoming famous!

It was coming up to midday and the sun was shining brightly. I had a shower, got dressed and decided to see Brad and spend my last day of summer with him. He text me this morning saying his family decided to have a barbeque tonight and that me and my family were invited. Considering 'my family' was just me and Tris at the moment, I said we'd be there.

'Hey Jas, where's the hair dryer?' A half naked Tristan walked into my room.

'Woah! Dude, at least put a shirt on!'

'Ah shit sorry! I'm not used to living with girls!'

'You have a mum?'

'Yeah but she's my mum.. You know?'

'Whatever, idiot. It's in my top drawer under my mirrors'

'Damn, I could so get used to living here. Look how many mirrors you have, I can just stare at myself all day!' He started posing in the mirror. I questioned how I was related to this guy.

'Yeah yeah you look fine, now what are you wearing tonight?'

'Tonight? I thought we were just going round to Brad's?'

'Yeah but his family will be there too.. You have to look nice! This is basically as big as meeting my family!'

'Jeez calm down girl! Alright urm well this is kind of embarrassing but I went on Brad and James' Facebook and saw they were always wearing chinos so I went and bought a pair.. But now like none of us wear them so it's a bit of a waste..'

'Did you seriously just?! Oh my god, wow'


'You bought chinos just because the others had them, I'm so done with you' I burst out laughing.

'Right, come on you! I'm taking you shopping, my treat!' Tristan smiled as he styled his hair.

'Oh and what's this in aid of?'

'Well me and my sister have to make an entrance to our future families events, no?' He winked.

I text Brad saying we'd come by around 7 and to let me know if they need anything or if they wanted me to bring something.


It was coming up to 7 and me and Tristan were ready. I don't know why but I felt kind of nervous to go over, it was weird. I grabbed my keys and phone from the side and off we went. Tristan wore black skinny jeans with a red knitted jumper and, for once, didn't put anything in his hair so left it natural. I wore a baby pink dress that had a thick white collar and my new 6 inch black heels. It was kind of cool shopping with my older brother, he didn't get as many looks at Brad did when we were out which was strange as the lanky git is hard to miss!

'Wait, I want pictures!' Tristan yelled as we were leaving.

'And how exactly are you planning on getting them with no one here to take them?'

He looked confused.

'Come on, we'll get Brad to take one'

We arrived at Brad's and the butterflies were back. I really don't know why I was so nervous, I mean it's not like I haven't met his family before. Once Brad opened the door and gave me his reassuring smile, I felt alright again.

'Wait before we go in can you take a photo of me and Tris?' He looked at Tris then to me and then to Tris again. 'His idea'

'Hmm that I can believe' he laughed.

He took a picture and a second later my phone started going off. I looked to see Tristan had tweeted the picture with the caption, 'I have some exciting news regarding this little one!! Xx' to which most of the replies were calling me a slag because they knew I was Brad's (ex) girlfriend. Well done Tris!

'You're such an idiot sometimes' I glared at him.

He quickly tweeted again. 'No, we're not going out! Yesterday I found out this little lady is my sister :-) so lover her as much as I do, I beggggg'

'What does I beg mean?'

Tristan looked to Brad and laughed. 'You don't want to know'

The evening went on and it was a right laugh. Brad's family were always so welcoming and lovely so I felt right at home. They also loved Tristan which was great. It started to get dark so everyone moved inside.

'Hey' Brad whispered to me.

'Hey you' I planted a quick kiss on his cheek.

'Fancy going out to look at the stars?' I quickly nodded, forgetting the fact that was kind of cheesy but cute at the same time.

We were sitting on his trampoline right at the end of his garden where it was all pitch black. He knew how much I hated going into the garden in the night. We lay back and looked up at the stars, wow they were so pretty.

'I love that this is the one place we get to be ourselves with no interruptions' Brad smiled at me.

'Me too' I moved to rest my head on his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair.

'I love you so much Jasmine, never forget that ok'

'I won't' I sat up and looked to him. 'It's getting really cold, can we go back inside?'

'But I want to spend time with you, alone' he stuck his bottom lip out.

'Come back to mine and stay? I mean, I have to get up early for school but.. Please? I don't want to face tomorrow without you' I looked down.

'You won't be alone, I promise you. You know I'm always with you even if I'm not there physically, ok?' he lifted up my chin and left a soft kiss on my lips.

'I love you' I whispered.

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