Chapter 26- I love you

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After that awkward conversation about who was sleeping where was over, me and Brad were downstairs watching High School Musical 3. (Yes I know it's a kids film but it's still the best ok)

'Troy and Gabriella are going to be like me and you'

'What? You being the smart geeky one who falls in love with the handsome basketball player? Oh yeah spot on that'

'No you idiot. I mean how they met, went to school together, started going out and now they're graduating together, that'll be us next year!'

'Ha, yeah'

'Alright don't sound so excited.. Everything alright Brad?'

'Look' he turned the TV off and sat up. 'Jas I don't know how to tell you this but I won't be finishing my last year of school..'

'What?! Why?!'

'I came across this guy, called Connor, who's an awesome bassist and we met a couple of weeks ago, started writing a few songs and Joe, my manager, has called us in to record a few things to see how we sound together. We could start a band if all goes well!'

'Wait what why didn't you tell me any of this? There was me thinking we'd have the best final year together and all this time you've been working on your band without mentioning anything to me!'

'Look Jas I'm so so sorry, I was going to tell you! But it was when we fell out and I haven't had time since we made up and now..'

'I'm sorry I can't do this, I can't lose you again'

'Lose me? You won't lose me! What, just because I'm not at school with you this year you think you'll lose me? Don't be silly! You know I wouldn't do anything if you weren't alright about it!'

I could feel myself wanting to tear up and Brad must've seen it because he hugged me tightly and didn't let go for ages.

'Baby listen to me, right now this summer is just you and me. No interruptions, no nothing. Just me and you because I need you to know that no matter where I am I'll always be thinking of you because I love you'

I let out a tiny gasp. Did he just say he loved me?

He took my hand and looked straight into my eyes. 'I love you Jasmine, I always have and I always will'

I hugged him to try and hold back the tears but as I pulled away they just came pouring down my face.

'Oh god I'm so sorry you have to see me like this again! That just really got to me. I don't even know what to say' I laughed between the tears.

'Then don't say anything' Brad's face grew closer to mine, we shared a kiss whilst his hand found it's way onto my waist.

I felt myself slowly leaning back onto the armrest of the sofa as our kisses became faster and I felt Brad's hand slip under my top.

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