Chapter 74- you don't think you stole him?

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I woke up the next morning still really happy from last night. I hopped out of bed and went to get some breakfast.

'Ooh well someone's in a good mood, what's got you so happy?'

'Nothinnng' I sang.

'Did I hear Brad over here last night?'

'Oh yeah, Tris woke me up because he was being a big baby over a tiny spider and I couldn't get back to sleep so I asked Brad to come over and the 3 of us sat talking for ages. He didn't stay over though!'

'Jas it's fine if he did, you know I don't mind it' Mum laughed. 'Just as long as you don't sleep in the same room, you know that's my only rule'

I laughed awkwardly.

'Sooo anyway, I'm off to get ready'

'Are you feeling well enough to go to school today?'

'Of course! And I can't afford to miss anything else'

I ran upstairs, peeping my head into Tris' room to see if he was up yet.. he wasn't. I popped into the shower, quickly washed my hair then went to pick an outfit. Ugh why do I have to be in sixth form, having a uniform is so much less stressful. After the faf of choosing something decent to wear I quickly put moose in my hair so I had wavy hair before going downstairs to find shoes.

'Right, see you later mum!' I shouted. 'Have a good day at work!'

I walked round the corner to find the girls waiting for me, Jen had a big grin on her face.

'Ok what's up with you?'

'I got an offer from the uni I want to go to!!'

'No way! That's amazing Jen, congrats!'

'And Hol got an offer from two of her choices!'

'What?! Well done, you kept that one quiet!'

'Eh it's not a big deal, I'm still waiting to hear from the one I actually want to go to'

'Have you heard anything else Jas?'

'No, not yet'

'Don't worry, you'll hear soon' Jen reassured me.

'Fingers crossed! But I got an offer from where I wanted to go so I'm not that fussed'

We walked through the gates and I could feel people staring at me. I tried to ignore it at first and just carried on talking to the girls but I started to feel uncomfortable walking through the corridor with people looking at me. Even when I got into class the atmosphere was awkward.

'Jas' a girl in my class whispered to me. I turned around. 'Just so you know, Lucy's joining our class'

'Excuse me?'

'Right, that's enough talking!' Our teacher interrupted. 'We have a new student joining us today, well she's not exactly new because I'm certain you'll all remember her'

From behind, Lucy appeared.

'Oh. My. God' me, Jas and Holly yelled at the same time.

'Erm, girls, that's not very appropriate now is it. Behave'

My eyes followed Lucy as she walked to an empty seat at the back. What the hell was she doing here? It's March?! Who joins a school 2 months before a level exams start?!

I couldn't concentrate for the whole lesson, knowing she was next to me and will be in some of my classes. School was the one place I could escape my problems and just spend time with my best friends. She even had to ruin that. Finally the bell rang signalling the end of the lesson and I couldn't pack away my things quick enough.

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