Chapter 79- soz

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*Jas' POV*

So a month has passed and my exams were finally over! What a stressful month it has been. At least now I don't have to worry about anything and can just enjoy summer. Prom is just over 2 weeks away and I am beyond excited for it! I've changed my mind about 7 times on my dress but hey, I'm a girl.. It's what we do! In the end I went for a dark purple fitted dress that was long so I could wear heels. I've told Brad the colour of my dress so all he has to do is find a tie to match, not a difficult task for him! I had one issue though.. my shoes. I couldn't wear massive heels because let's be honest, Brad isn't exactly the tallest guy in the world now is he.. so I had to go for something that had a slight heel but make sure I wasn't taller than him.

Today me and the girls were going to have a hair and make up trial for prom so we weren't stressing at the last minute. My mum's best friend was a beautician and offered to help us out instead of us paying a lot of money to get it done by someone in town. Holly went first, she was quite simple with her make up so didn't need to take long. Her dress was a short black dress and she said she'd be keeping her hair down.

Holly was the first one done and span round to show us.

'Oh Hol, you look amazing!'

'Really? You guys don't think it's too simple?' She looked down.

'Not at all! That's you, you don't go overboard with things so simple suits you'

'Hmm, if you say so'

'Hey, don't get upset ok.. James will love the way you look, I promise' I smiled and gave her a hug.

'Yeah, I guess'

It was Jen's turn so me and Holly just sat back chatting.

'So, how are things with you and Brad now then?'

'Yeah, they're ok. I just can't wait for prom now! It'll just be like the old days when he was just Bradley, you know.. my Bradley. I get him to myself for one night without worrying about anyone else and it will just be amazing' I smiled.

'Aw you two make my heart melt!'

'Speaking of you and Brad, isn't it coming up to your one year anniversary?' Jen popped up.

'WOW!' Me and Holly said in unison.

'Well.. Is that a good wow then?!'

'Of course! You look.. wow. Just wow' I was speechless at how beautiful my best friend looked.

'It's not too much then?' She asked shyly.

'Definitely not! Aw you two will look so good at prom, I can't wait! Selfies are definitely a thing that night!'

'Obviously! You know us, never one to turn down a good old selfie' we all laughed.

'Jas?' My mums friend called me over.


'I'm so so sorry but I've been called into pick up my daughter from school, she's had a bit of an accident during lunch'

'Oh that's understable! Go, we can just do me another time!'

'Are you sure? I'm really sorry'

'Yeah, don't be silly! I'll get mum to sort something out with you'

'Thanks for our hair and make up!' The girls called out after her.

'Aw that's a shame, I'd love to have seen how she did your hair and make up!'

'Me too, but maybe I'll leave it as a surprise' I smirked.

'No, that's not fair! We can't have you upstaging us!'

'Me? Upstage you two?' I laughed. 'Don't be silly!'

*1 message from Brad*

'Hey baby, we're running a bit late but I'll be home in an hour tops! Also the lads want a pizza night tonight and Lucy's invited.. is that ok? We don't have to go if you don't want to but we can talk about it later xxxxx'
I didn't say anything, I just showed the girls the text. Oh yeah, I forgot to say! So over the last month, a LOT has happened but the main thing was that everyone is all buddies with Lucy. Yep, that's right.. She's been accepted into the group. Well, I say accepted but it's basically just me and the girls who still can't stand her. I can't do anything about it though because if the boys like having her around then who am I to stop them?

'We don't have to go if you don't want to Jas. We can have our own pizza night over at mine' Jen offered.

'No, it's fine. Let's go'

'Are you sure?'

'Do you really think I'd let her spend the night with the boys alone?'

'I knew she was thinking something!' Holly laughed.

'You know me' I joked.


'Hey you' I smiled as I went over to Brad's and he opened the door.

'Hey!' He pulled me in for a big hug. 'I've missed you'

'I've missed you too! It feels like it's been ages since we properly spent time with eachother'

'Because it has been ages!'

'True.. but prom soon!' I grinned.

'Oh yeah! Have you sorted out all your girly stuff that you girls need to sort out or whatever it is you girls do?'

'You're such a loser' I laughed.


'All our girly stuff or whatever it is you girls do? It's called hair and make up Bradley'

'Ok soz'

I stared at him. 'Soz?'

'Yeah.. short for sorry?'

'I know what it means idiot! I just can't believe you actually said it out loud..'

This was basically our relationship at the moment.. Just having little tiffs with each other and winding ourselves up. Like Jen mentioned earlier, it was coming up to our one year anniversary and neither of us had even realised! Well I don't know about him but I haven't.. I haven't even thought about what to do. If I'm honest, our relationship has died down a bit over the last month and I don't know why. It's sad thinking about it. I mean, I understand I was busy with exams and he's been in the studio near on everyday so we didn't see each other much but something has definitely changed.. I'm just trying to figure out what.


Wooooah so after a month I've finally updated! Sorrrry

I apologise if it's a boring chapter, I had major writers block :/ This was kind of just a chapter to get me back into the story and I think I've finally worked out how to link in the last chapter with this storyline eee

So yeah sorry for a shit chapter but woo, here's an update :)

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