Chapter 42- girlfriend?

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After last nights chats, we decided to stay in. This morning we went out for breakfast to this cute little pancake shop about a 5 minute walk from our hotel. We took a slow stroll around a few more parts of New York before returning to our hotel to pack.

'I'm going to miss this place, you know'

'Me too. How have 6 days passed already?'

*1 message from Tristan*

'Morning darling! :-) you're going today right? Well I probably won't see you before you leave so have a safe flight and it was lovely meeting you both! Who knows, we might bump into each other back in England! Love yaaa xxx'

'Aw that's cute' I showed Brad the text from Tristan. 'We didn't even spend that much time with him but I'll actually miss him, he was so nice!'

'Yeah, he was a pretty cool guy. Do you know where he's from in England?'

'Nope, I guess I never asked.. I'll text him when we're back home and ask'

It was nearly 4pm and we had just finished packing. Instead of going out we just chilled in our room, watching TV. I was sprawled out on the bed in my shorts, soaking up the sun. I wish the weather could come back with us, now that would be perfect.

'Hey babe, get up. It's nearly half 5' Brad gently tugged me.

'Hm?' I must've dozed off.

'It's time to say bye' he whispered.

I rolled over and got out of bed. Trust me to spend our last hours in New York asleep in my hotel room! Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. We definitely need to plan on coming out here again.

We made our way downstairs to wait for a taxi to take us to the airport. Once we got there we were right by the departure lounge which was handy. We didn't have to board the plane for another 20 minutes so we were in no rush to get upstairs. Once we were sat on the plane I looked out of the window for one last look at New York. I always hated take offs so I held Brad's hand as the plane lifted off the ground.


'Wakey, wakey princess' This time it was me who was awake before Brad. 'We're finally home'

Brad opened his eyes and smiled. 'Oh man, I can't wait to get into bed, nothing beats your own bed'

'That's true! I'm excited to go to sleep, what time is it here?'

'Ermm about 8 in the morning'

'Perfect excuse to jump straight into bed then!'

We got off the plane, went through customs and all that, found our luggage then went home. It was weird saying bye to Brad as if I wasn't going to see him again. it kind of felt like that though. My dad picked us up and dropped Brad home then took me home. I was so shattered. I went upstairs and fell straight to sleep.

I must've woke up at about 3 in the afternoon and saw loads of messages from everyone back home. I had to rethink where I was then! I text Jenn letting her know I was safe and at home then I went down to see my mum because I feel like I just mumbled 'hi' when I came home and went straight upstairs. I had loads of messages from Brad that weren't even words, they were jumbled up letters.. kind of like how a fangirl acts when their fave follows them on twitter. I was still half asleep from the jet lag so I said to myself that I'd reply later, I couldn't comprehend his gibberish.

'Hello sweetheart, sleep well?'

'I'm still so tired. It would only be like 9 in the morning in New York, I should still be asleep!'

'Well luckily you're on summer holidays so you can sleep in. Oh yeah, Brad called round this morning but you were fast asleep. He said something about having some good news or something? I don't know. I said you'd contact him when you woke up'

I went upstairs to ring Brad to see what all the fuss was about.


'Mum said you had some good news?' I said through the yawns.

'Tristan sent me the demo for the song we wrote in New York and I sent it over to Joe and he loved it! He wants to get us in the studio to record it asap!!'

'Oh my god that's brilliant! Wait, what are you doing about band members?'

'Well, Connor said he found a guy on YouTube who plays guitar and is awesome so Joe invited him down today to see how we sound together'

'That's brilliant news, well done!'

'Thanks! Oh by the way, Connor wants to go out together like as in a double date tomorrow if you're free?'

'Yeah, sounds good! I finally get to meet him, I hope his girlfriend's nice'

'I've never met her myself but she seems lovely'

'Ok cool, I can't wait'

*Brad's POV*

So I'm finally getting into the studio today to record something! Joe loved the song me and Tristan wrote in New York, I can't wait to play it to Connor. I wonder what this guitarist is like, who knows, we might actually be getting somewhere with this band!

I got ready as I was meeting Connor and Joe at 4 and it was already quarter past 3. I grabbed some toast on the way out and made my way down to the studio. It was handy having Connor live near me, we could practice whenever we want. I think he said this guitarist lives near us as well? That's perfect!

I was walking up when I spotted Connor in the distance, I think that was Joe standing next to him? I was excited so I ran over to say hey but my smile quickly dropped.


'Oh.. You two know each other?' Connor asked awkwardly.

'I guess you could say that' James mumbled.

'Well.. This is the guy I was telling you about, Brad! It's great you know each other, it'll make it easier working together!'

I looked down to the floor then back up to James. Joe saw me and called me over while Connor and James went inside.

'What is your deal with James? This guy is great so whatever it is you have to put it to the side, I don't care'

'He spiked my girlfriend's drink and practically took advantage of her and you expect me to put that to one side?!' I could feel myself getting worked up.

'Woah, wait a minute. Girlfriend?'

'Yeah.. You know I'm going out with someone?'

'Oh no you're not. Not if you want to get anywhere with this band. For now you guys are going to say you're single because adding a girlfriend to the scene will only complicate things. Think of her life as well Brad'

He walked off and left me thinking. I promised I'd never leave her and she was going through this journey with me. What am I meant to say? That she's my sister who likes to come to all my gigs?

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