Chapter 71

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After my chat with Lucy I went over to see if Jas was awake, ignoring the fact Tristan could be there. I don't know why but everytime I see Lucy I just want to spend time with Jas straight away, it's weird. I text her but there was no reply, maybe her phone was on silent because she does that when she's asleep. I went round and knocked on the door, no answer. As I turned around to walk home, I heard the door open and my name being called. It was Tristan.

'Brad?' I turned around. 'Did you want to come in?'

'I was just coming to see Jas but I take it she's still asleep?'

'Er yeah I think so'

'A-are you okay?' I asked softly.

'Not really' he sniffled. 'But I'll live' he faked a smile.

'You know what, on second thoughts maybe I will come in'

I wasn't about to leave one of my best friends knowing they're upset, even if we were in a fight. I walked in and sat on the sofa.

'Soooo' I awkwardly said.

'She said she doesn't want anything more to do with me Brad, she said she can't continue this..'

'Lucy? Continue what?'

'Seeing each other, speaking to each other, everything'

'Did she say why?'

'I don't know. Something about having to look forward, she didn't really make much sense'

'When did this happen?'

'Like not even 5 minutes before you came. It was just so out of the blue, I don't understand'

'Wow, you really liked her didn't you?'

'There was just something about her, you know? Of course you know, you went out with her' he chuckled. 'I know we've only known each other for a month but it's been a good month'

'Wow' I said to myself. 'Well, hey, look.. Maybe it's for the best yeah? I know we're not on the best terms right now but believe me when I say you're much better off without her for now Tris'

'I'm not going to start an argument again so I'll just agree. Even though I know you're wrong' he laughed. 'Come here man, let's hug it out'

'Friends again?'

'Friends? We were never friends' I was confused. 'Tradley is real ok, stop denying it!'

I burst out laughing. 'Come here you weirdo' we hugged it out like bro's did and continued chatting.

About 15 minutes later I saw Jas coming down the stairs.

'I thought I heard your voice' she came and sat down next to me.

'Hey beautiful' I had a big grin on my face. 'Gosh, you look terrible! Are you feeling any better?'

'Wow, cheers for that one Brad!' She gave me evils.

'I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But seriously, how are you feeling?'

'Not great, I just threw up again. I don't know what it is, it can't be food poisoning because that would have kicked in straight away'

'Maybe you're having a baby!' Tristan gasped.

'Tristan don't be silly. You need to have sex in order to have a baby and I'd never do such a thing at this age' Jas dramatically put her hand over her mouth.

'Oh please, these walls aren't soundproof you know' he got up and laughed.

We turned to each other completely embarrassed.

'See, this is why doing it at my house is so much better' I whispered to her which made her laugh.

'What's so funny?' Tris came back in with food.

'Oh, nothing. Just Brad trying to be funny. Anyway, what were you guys talking about earlier?'

'Just usual guy stuff you know, nothing interesting'

'Yeah, just boring old guy stuff that you'd be bored of hearing' I laughed.

We ordered a Chinese once Jas' mum came home and all pigged out in front of the TV. It was lovely. It was coming up to about 10 and I decided to head home so Jas could get an early night.

'Hope you feel better in the morning angel, goodnight' I kissed her on the forehead. 'I love you'

'Thanks, I hope I do too. I'll text you tomorrow, I love you'

I headed home and got ready for bed as soon as I got in. Before going to bed I decided to scroll down twitter and follow a few fans. I always get shouted at for not following people, I should probably fix that.. It's not like I don't want to follow fans, of course I do! We wouldn't be where we are now without them! It's just that when they all spam I get so lost and can't keep up so I follow as many as I can.

*1 message to Lucy*

'Thanks for doing the right thing, I hope things work out for you.. B x'

I went to sleep with a smile on my face, feeling happy with everything for once. Let's hope it just lasts.

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