Chapter 38- New York

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It was here, our trip to New York was finally here! We didn't really get much sleep as we went to bed at around 11 and had to wake up at 3 to check in for 4. Thank god we lived right next to the airport. Me and Brad were up for most of the night getting excited for the trip so we'll definitely be sleeping on the plane.

Both my mum and dad decided to drop us at the airport whilst Brad texted his parents letting him know we were off. We reached the airport and said bye to my parents as they stopped in the drop off point instead of paying for parking and all that.

'Right, have a safe flight guys and enjoy yourselves! We'll see you when you're back!' My dad hugged both of us.

'Bye darling, text me when you get there. Bye Brad, have an amazing time and be safe!'

We waved bye to my parents and went to check in. The excitement started building up! We took a quick selfie and captioned it, 'Bye England, hello New York!' I started laughing because me and Brad were practically wearing the same outfit, we both threw on grey trackies and a white top. Except I had a cardigan on but we definitely looked like we planned on matching outfits.

We were walking through the airport when I swear I could hear giggling behind us.. I turned around and saw 3 girls who looked really shy.

'Hi?' I let go of Brad's hand and turned to face them.

'Sorry we errrm we-we just..'

'Him?' I pointed to Brad. 'Babe, I think you have some fans waiting to meet you'

He turned around and smiled. 'Hey girls, you alright?'

'Sorry for interrupting you' one girl said to me.

'Aw that's alright! Do you want me to take a picture of you guys with Brad?'

'If you don't mind?'

'Of course not' I took her phone and smiled.

After I took the picture I stepped to the side for a while and left Brad to it. It was amazing seeing him so happy with fans, this is only the start for him. One of the girls came over to me and pulled me away from my thoughts.

'Can I get a picture with you?'


'Yeah, I think you're amazing and you and Brad are really cute together. You make him happy'

'Aw that's so sweet of you, thank you so much!' I smiled for a picture and she thanked me.

Once Brad was done with the girls he said bye and carried on walking to check in. He took my hand.

'Sorry about that Jas'

'Sorry? There's nothing to be sorry about! I loved seeing you so happy, don't be sorry for something that makes you happy!'

'I do love you, you know' he stopped to kiss me and we continued walking to the check in desk.

'I've got to say, I'm surprised they came to the airport at 3 in the morning. Like that's some serious dedication..'

'I know, it's a bit weird'

'I can't wait until you actually have a single out, we have loads to look forward to!' I laughed sarcastically.

'Oh well, let's not worry about that now, we've got a plane to catch!' Brad took my hand and we made our way to the boarding gate.


'Hey Jas, Jas wake up'

Brad was gently shaking me to wake me up. I groaned and turned around.

'Baby, wake up. We're here, we're finally in New York' he whispered.

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