Chapter 23- I'm lucky to be in love with my bestfriend

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The rest of us walked to the car and as I turned around to see Brad I caught one girl giving me the dirtiest look. I quickly turned back and tried to ignore it. Brad finally joined us back in the car with a huge smile on his face.

'Wow that was weird!'

'I know, you haven't even done anything yet and you've already got fangirls following you around!'

'Don't be jealous of me being the more amazing sibling, mum and dad still love us the same ok'

'Me? Jealous of you? I see you haven't let the fame go to your head already then..'

'Alright alright you two zip it already! Now me and your dad are going away for the weekend so maybe try and keep the house still standing by the time we're back?'

'Wait but the weekend is tomorrow.. You're going away tomorrow?'

'Oh and the penny finally drops!' Nat did a sarcastic clap.

'Shut up! You're not even here so be quiet'

'Oh that's right darling! I forgot you were going away as well! Oh.. Well Brad it looks like you're home alone this weekend then'

Brad turned to me and tried not to make his smile obvious. His sister must have seen us.

'Oh please, you're definitely staying in separate rooms when Jasmine comes round'

'Oh my god please shut up!!!'

'I caught Brad's mums eye in the mirror and felt myself go red from the embarrassment. I don't even know why I was embarrassed, me and Brad hadn't even talked about all that stuff yet.

We pulled up at the Simpsons and I went in for a bit.

'I'm so happy my parents are back on Monday! I've missed them so much!'

'Aw so no more staying round and having lazy days together?' He gave me the puppy dog eyes again.

'No don't be silly, of course that'll still happen! I mean, you are my boyfriend now' I giggled. 'Wow that felt good to say'

'It felt even better hearing it' Brad put his arms around me as we sat on the sofa and he cuddled up to me.

I'm so glad everything has worked out the way it should have. I'm going to enjoy this summer because once it's over I'll be back to school and stressing over university! Well, the only good thing about going into year 13 is that I'll have Brad with me. As sad as it sounds I reckon my last year of school will be the best simply because me and Brad will be together a lot more as we take 2/3 of the same subjects.

I lay back and heard faint snoring. At first I thought it could be Jesse but then I realised she wasn't even in the room. I looked down and noticed it was Brad, he'd fallen asleep on me! I tried to hold in the laughter but it was so cute. I slowly got out my phone and videoed him snoring and uploaded it to Instagram.

I noticed I gained quite a few followers on twitter today but I couldn't work out why.. Until I saw one profile where a girl tweeted a picture of her and Brad. I looked closely and it was the one who gave me evils! Why would she want to follow me? I took a look at the other girls' profiles and saw they were all tweeting Brad for a follow.

Well this escalated quickly..

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