Chapter 83

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After getting my surprise I walked back home because I realised I was still in my pyjamas. All I could do was smile at what just happened. I didn't care about what went on these last few weeks, I was happy with everything. I was too focused on the rings Brad got me that I bumped into someone when crossing the road. Of course, it was Lucy.

'Oh sorry, didn't see you there' I carried on walking.

'They're nice!' She shouted after me.

I looked down then back up again. I went over to Lucy and decided to man up.

'Hey, I'm sorry for walking out the other night, that was kind of rude. I know you said all of this ages ago but I'd really like it if we could stop all the fighting and just be civil with each other'

'Finally! That's all I've wanted since I got here. I don't like the awkwardness when I'm around you and the boys, it's a bit uncomfortable for both of us I think'

'Yeah, mainly my fault I guess.. Sorry. But yeah so we can work on that right?'

'Of course!'

'Good' I smiled.

'Oh Jas? I mean Jasmine, sorry'

'That's fine, you can call me Jas'

'Can I just ask, why the sudden change in heart?'

I looked down at my ring and smiled. 'I just realised that I have everything I need and want right now so why fight with people? Me and Brad are in a good place finally and I just want to enjoy my summer'

'Fair enough' she caught a look at my ring. 'Anyway, I'll see you around. Bye!'

I walked off feeling pleased with myself that I managed to talk to Lucy without wanting to strangle her. I got home and saw Tristan lounging around on the sofa.

'Afternoon lazy'

'Oh hey! I thought you were still asleep because the house was so quiet!'

'No, I've just been on a treasure hunt'

'Dressed like that?'

'I didn't plan it ok!'

'So did you find money?'

'No..' I explained Brad's surprised to Tristan.

'Talk about cringe factor!!' He burst out laughing.

'Hey! Don't be mean ok!'

'I'm sorry but you can't tell me that's not slightly cringey, I mean really? He could have easily just met up with you and given you all that and said what he wanted to say'

'Who says romance is dead hey' I rolled my eyes.

'I'm kidding. If it makes you happy then well, congrats Bradley'

'Anyway, where's mum? I thought she had the day off today?'

'She's just popped out I think, she'll be back soon'

'Oh okay'

Tristan's phone went off. 'Ah shit!'


'I needed to go pick up my suit for prom today!'

'Why can't you go?'

'I can go, I just don't fancy moving from this spot'

I laughed. 'You're such an idiot. I'll come with you, now go get changed!'

'Erm speak for yourself missy' he looked me up and down.

I forgot I was still in my pyjamas..

'Alright fair play, so we'll meet downstairs in about an hour ok?'

'An hour?! It takes time to look good you know'

'No amount of time would help you there babes'

He gasped. 'We are so over'

'Yeah yeah, you love me too much to ever cut me out of your life!'

'Sadly that's true. Ok so see you in an hour'

'Cinema trip tonight?' James put in the group chat.

'I'm good with that!' Connor replied.

'As long as it's not a scary film please!' I replied.

I hated scary films. Brad loves them, he always tries to get me to watch them with him but I can't. If I do then I spend most of the time with my eyes covered! I left the boys to sort out tonight whilst I got ready. I didn't have time to wash my hair this morning so just threw my hair up into a messy bun, showered, then dug around in my wardrobe for something decent looking to wear to town.

'Tris are you ready?' I shouted from my room.


I went and knocked on his door when I was done but he was trying to do his hair. I say trying, I mean failing. His hair was literally a mop.

'Tris I beg you go and get a haircut!'

'I think I actually need one now..'

'Oh finally!' It's taken months to get Tristan to agree to get a haircut, he was emotionally attached to it. 'You're definitely getting it done before prom, I don't care'

He sighed. 'Fine'

'Speaking of prom, have you found someone to take yet?'

'I'm taking Lucy.. didn't she tell you?'

'No, why would she?'

'Well you guys have made up haven't you?'

'Wow that got around quick, it only happened this morning!'

'She's coming tonight by the way, I hope that's ok'

'That's fine' I said, lying through my teeth. 'Anyway, let's get going before the place closes'

We made our way to town and looked around for the suit shop. We got stopped on the way for girls asking for pictures with Tris, which I didn't mind of course. I think I enjoyed seeing them being so happy more than the boys! Everyone's always so lovely so I never get annoyed when we have to stop.

'Ah there it is' Tristan said pointing in the distance.

We went in and he tried on his suit again just to make sure it still fit. I'd be worried if it didn't as I didn't think Tristan could grow anymore! He came out to show me what it looked like.

'Wow you look good!'

'I feel weird, I'm not used to dressing all smart'

'Oh it's for one night, you'll be alright'

'I don't even know why I'm stressing, it's not even my prom!'

'That's true! You still want to look good though, you never know who you might meet!'

He laughed. 'I'm not looking to find love at a school prom thank you very much'

'I'm just saying!'

'Oh Brad just text, we'll decided on a film when we get there and we're going to Pizza Express before'

'Sounds good!'

'9?! We're not going until 9 which means we won't go to the cinema until about 10/half 10'

'Aw that'll be cute, all of us on a late night movie date'

'Aka me tagging along with my sister and her friends who are all dating each other'

'I thought you said Lucy's coming along?'

'She is but we all know she'd much prefer acting like a couple with Brad than me' Tristan quickly put his hand over his mouth. 'I- That wasn't meant to come out, I'm sorry!'

I just looked at him. 'Well that won't be happening whilst I'm around'

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