Chapter 76- I won't miss it for the world

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As the weeks went on, exams were closer meaning my stress levels were very high. Luckily the boys were busy with their own things so I didn't have them as a distraction. Things with Lucy? Well. Where do I begin.. somehow she's wormed her way in and is now friends with the boys. Well, Tristan's still a bit on and off with her because well for obvious reasons and Brad, again for obvious reasons. I guess I have no reason to shout at James or Connor so I left them to it. The last thing I need is to stress over her. From now on I'm staying away from drama until my exams are over.

I spent most of my time at the library these days, it was basically becoming my second home! I had my first exam next week and I was absolutely dreading it. I feel like the last year has gone by so quick, I'm actually losing track of time! I had a total of 7 exams which didn't sound as much but when you look at how much I have to learn..


'Brad!' I screamed. 'Shhh we're in the library!'

'Sorry! I wanted to come and surprise you' he sat down next to me.

'Well you definitely succeeded' I laughed. 'What're you doing here?'

'We've recorded a few songs for the album and I wanted you to be the first to hear them'

'Aw you're sweet. Well can I come by later? I really want to get this revision out of the way'

'English Lit?' He looked over my shoulder. 'How do you even revise for that?'

'Have you seen what I have to read?!'

'Ew, that does look quite horrible actually..' He pulled a face as he picked up the books I've had to read.


'Fine but at least take a quick break and come with me? Please? Pretty please?' He pulled the puppy dog eyes and I gave in. 'Yes! Knew that would work!'

'Oi shush you'

I packed away my books and followed Brad to the studio. We got there and it looked pretty desserted.. I think Brad likes taking me to abandoned places.. I'd never been in the studio properly before so it was pretty cool to see everything.

'Hey, come over here, I want you to listen to this song' Brad called out to me.

I went in and sat down by the recording booth. 'Wait, where are you going?' I was confused when Brad didn't sit down next to me but instead went into the booth.

He put on a pair of headphones and told me to press a button in front of me. Still confused, I did what he said. Brad started singing and the whole place just filled up with his voice. I'd never really heard Brad sing before, unless you count singing in the shower.. so it took me by surprise to have him standing in front of me singing. He sang a slow song that sounded beautiful. I don't know what it's called but I remember one line from it, it went something like;

'there's a smile that could light up a thousand lives, and you need reminding'

When Brad sang that one line, he looked up directly into my eyes and I suddenly found my eyes watering. Once he finished I quickly wiped my eyes and walked over to him.

'So, what did you think?' He asked shyly.

'That was so beautiful, I have no words'

'So you like it then?'

'Like it? I love it!'

'Good, because I wrote it for you' he took my hands into his.


'Yes you! That line that we made eye contact on, that line reminds me of you.. because I'm always telling you to smile, am I not?'

'You do' I giggled.

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