Chapter 65- the big 1-8

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*Jas' POV*

I still wasn't over what Brad had told me about Tris last night. My brother.. with my boyfriend's ex girlfriend.. just saying it like that made me feel ill. I'll wait to see what he says first though, I won't jump to any conclusions just yet. I was so happy the boys were back tonight like I don't think I've been this excited about anything in ages! It was Connor's birthday and he was turning the big 1-8! Jen rang a couple of days ago to see if it would be alright if we threw Connor a surprise party at my house the night they land. They land around 10:30pm and by the time they went through customs, got baggage, met fans and came home it'd be around midnight meaning we could count down to Connor's 18th altogether. Of course I said yes to the party, who would turn down a party?! I iMessaged Joe the plan and he was on board with it all. He said if everything goes to plan they should be at my house by 11:45.

'Right Jas, are you sure you don't want me to stay or do anything for tonight?'

'No mum, it's fine. Honestly. We've got everything under control' I gave her a reassuring smile.

'Okay. It better not be a rough party alright, I don't want anything broken!'

'Mum.. It's me, the girls, and the boys.. Hardly any thugs here' I laughed.

'I know, I know but just be careful. You don't want other people finding out about it'

'Oh mum they're only a band, I mean who are The Vamps anyway?'

She laughed and walked over to put her shoes on. I managed to convince her to take Brad's mum out for a proper girly day and leave us be. Funnily enough it didn't take much persuading! We woke up quite early as we still had a lot to do. Jen and Holly were round mine by 10 and we got started.

'Right girls, we have 10 hours until they're back in the same timezone'

'About bloody time' I scoffed.

'I know, it's been a right pain!'

'Yep! Anyway, we need to get cracking. So, Hol you're in charge of drinks and Jen you can do food'

'Wait, so what're you going to do?'

'I'll sort everything else out, don't fuss about me'

'Okay, okay. Right, let's go girls!'

After that quick debate, we all got on with our own things. We agreed to all meet back at my house by 3 with everything done. I know that seems like a long time but trust me, with Holly you need to set a time 2 hours before the actual deadline because she's always late! Literally, no matter what it is or where it is, she'll always be late. She'd probably be late to her own funeral!


It was nearly 5 and we had just finished setting up the house. Yes, we did go for all the whole banners everywhere, party poppers ready and confetti all over the place because why the hell not. Joe sent me a quick text before they boarded the plane so I know they're up in the air somewhere on their way home, finally. I'm excited to see Brad again, in fact all of them! I've really missed having them around.

As the night went on me and the girls had a couple of drinks here and there to pass the time but obviously saved the major drinking for when the boys got in. I looked at the time and it was nearing 9, meaning we still had at least over another 2 hours until the boys were anywhere near home. We sat back and watched Frozen because what group of 18 year old girls wouldnt want to watch a classic Disney film, hey?! Thankfully that passed the time and the film finished by quarter to 11. By this point you had the girls on the floor belting out 'Let It Go' and me pissing myself with laughter at them. These girls just make my life! It made me realise how sad and different everything will be when we go to uni.

'Oh my god it's nearly half 11! My bubba is coming home soon!' Jen screamed, dragging me away from my sad thoughts.

'And mine! I do miss bae when he's away'

'Hol, your 'bae' doesn't even know what 'bae' means' I burst out laughing.

'Hey, leave him alone, he's just not erm very down with the lingo these days'

'Lingo? Ok babe, whatever you say' I laughed.

It was true though, James often tweeted asking what a lot of things meant. I'll never forget a personal fave of mine, that time he tweeted asking what I 'sg2' means instead of I s2g. I never let him forget that.

*1 message from Joe*

'About 15 mins away, be ready!! Con could fall asleep any second'

I laughed as I read the text, typical Con. That boy could fall asleep anywhere! I told the girls and as per, Jen was running around like mad making sure she looked good.. Not that the place looked good but that she looked good. We all found our hiding spots and I told Joe to text me when they were coming up the driveway. We waited for the text and I left the door on the latch so the boys could walk straight in. I text Brad saying I was doing that before so he didn't think something was up or anything. We sat in silence in our places as we heard the boys voices come up the path. The urge to just run to the door and hug them was very high but we held it in.

'SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNOR!!!' We all yelled. His face was priceless.

All the boys were really shocked too. I hugged Connor and wished him then made eye contact with Brad. He let out a smile and I ran straight to him and jumped on him with my legs wrapped round him. I hugged him tight.

'I've missed you so so so much'

He put me down and gave me a really big kiss. 'I've missed you loads too, I don't want to go away for a while now!'


Ok hi hey there,

So I can't really be bothered to write anymore (soz) it's half 1 in the morning and my brain's just not working rn so apologies. This was kinda a boring filler chapter, sorrrrrry. I didn't really know what else to write, I just needed something for them to do when they got back before the serious stuff happens.

Anyway, thanks for the comments and votes, y'all are fabbbb

Follow me or tweet me sometime? :) @ohhthevamps


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