Chapter 89- results day

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It's been nearly 2 weeks since me and Brad last spoke and it was driving me crazy. All I could do was go over our conversation that night, I was so horrible to him.. Maybe I shouldn't have said the things I said. I was hurting. I hadn't left the house all this time, I'd barely left my room. It reminded me of the last time I fell out with Brad.. it made me shudder thinking about it again. Yes, it was as bad as that night he left all those bruises on me, it was almost the same level. I hadn't seen anyone either, Tris had tried talking to me a few times but he wouldn't be getting much out of me. I felt so lost without Brad but I was still so mad at both him and myself. I didn't know what to do.

My mum came into my room and she was holding an envelope. I didn't acknowledge it and just turned around pulling my duvet over me.

'Sweetheart, I've got something for you' she said softly.

'If it's not a new life then I don't care'

'Well it could be..' I turned around, confused. My mum didn't say anything, she just handed me the envelope.

Today was results day! How could I forget?! I've been waiting for this day for ages and I didn't even realise it was today! I sat up excited, then I realised my future was on this piece of paper and felt sick. Mum went into school and picked up my results for me. This was it.

'Mum, I can't do this. What if I didn't get the grades?' I started panicking.

'Honey I'm sure you did fine! You put a lot of work in so I bet you'll be pleased with the outcome' she smiled.

'Wait! Where's Tris?'

'I'm coming!' He must have heard me from his room. He walked in and looked down. 'Is that..'

'Yep. It's my results..'

'Have you opened them?'

'Not yet, I wanted you here'

'Go on then!'

I took a deep breath and began opening the envelope. My heart was racing and my stomach was doing backflips. Here goes nothing.

'A, A, B!' I screamed.


'So you're going to London then?' My mum asked whilst hugging me.

'I don't know.. they wanted 3 A's..'

'Well get online and check!'

I turned my laptop on and signed into my ucas to see what uni I was going to. It was being really slow which made me even more nervous. Probably because every other 18 year old across the country was on the same website. It finally loaded and my mouth dropped.

'Congratulations! Your place at Brunel University, London to study Theatre and English is confirmed'

'I DID IT! I ACTUALLY DID IT!' I screamed through the house.

'YOU'RE IN?! YOU'RE GOING TO LONDON?!' Tristan picked me up and spun me around.

'Yes! I'm so happy, I can't believe I did it!'

'I knew you would! Congratulations sweetheart'

'Thanks mum!'

'Well it looks like we're celebrating tonight! Tristan get your mum and brothers down, we'll ring everyone to come round!'

'We don't have to have a big thing mum, it can be just us 3' I laughed.

'No, don't be silly! I want everyone to know how proud I am of you!'

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