Chapter 27- first

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For the second time this week I woke up on a sofa with someone next to me.

'Hello beautiful' I heard Brad whisper into my ear as he hugged me tighter.

I turned to face him and smiled. I ran my hand through his curls and cuddled up to him.

'Jas, are you ok? I know you said you didn't want to rush into anything but'

I cut Brad off with a kiss. 'It was perfect. I love you'

We just lay in eachothers arms for a while, everything just felt so right.

'I'm glad you were my first Jas'

Those words ringing through my ears. 'First'. The day with James came back into my head yet again, how was I meant to lie to Brad about me being happy he was my first too? He wasn't.

I just smiled and gave him a kiss. 'Right you get your clothes on, we're going outfit shopping for Holly's party!'

'Wait Jas wh..'

*Brad's POV*

I told Jas I was glad she was my first, because it was the truth. Without sounding big headed I was expecting her to say it back but nope, nothing. She immediately changed the subject and was talking about going to Holly's?

I dragged myself off the sofa and went to find Jas.

'BRAAAD where's your shampoo?!' I heard her scream from the bathroom.

'ON THE SHELF BY THE TOWEL RAIL' I shouted back. I went upstairs and waited in my room so I could get in the shower straight after.

I got bored so I picked up my guitar and started playing random notes. I must've got carried away as I didn't even notice Jas was out of the shower and standing in the doorway.

'Wooo encore encore!' She acted like she was a fan at a concert.

'Thank you and goodnight, I love you all!'

'That'll actually be you one day! How weird is that!' Jas started laughing.

'Only if Joe likes what he hears! Who knows, we could end up being total flops!'

'Oh shush you, that won't happen! You're so bloody talented it's unreal, anyone would be a fool not to buy your music'

'Well at least I know I'll always have my number 1 fan right by my side' I walked over to Jas and put my arms around her.

'You like this soppy stuff don't you?' She wrapped her arms round my neck and leant in for a kiss.

'Now get your bum into the shower and get ready! The quicker we get back the more time we have just the two of us before the party starts' Jas hit my bum and chucked me out of the room.

*Jas' POV*

I was waiting around in Brad's room after I got dressed when I heard his phone go off. I looked over and it was a DM from that girl from the other night outside the restaurant.

'Aww you're so sweet, I love you too. Still sad you have a girlfriend though :( oh well, can't wait to see you Tuesday!! <3 xxxxx'


At first I thought nothing of it and that she was just being a regular fangirl but 'I love you TOO' too?? Wouldn't that mean he would've had to say it first? And what's happening on Tuesday? He's meeting up with a fan? What??

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