Chapter 64- just one more day

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*Brad's POV*

Our last week was already here, crazy! We watched the whole of our first ever music video yesterday, it was bloody surreal I'll tell you that. To think at the beginning of this year I was picking universities to go to and now I'm in a band, recording and shooting videos and basically doing everything I've wanted to do since forever. Wow.

This week we've got to relax a lot more as the main reason for the trip is over so we got to see a bit more of LA. Tristan rarely comes out of the hotel though, it's like he's hibernating or something. He'll always have some sort of excuse as to why he can't come out with us but none of us can be bothered to argue so we just leave him to it. Last night we decided to do a twitcam for the fans back home because we missed them loads! It's still really weird thinking we have fans, I don't think I'll get used to that, like ever. Today was our second to last day so we decided to go down to the beach.

'Let's buy some penny boards to take back home!' Even though only me and James skated, we still dragged Con around the shops.

'Aw sweet, let's go get some free hugs!' Connor shouted. There was a stall opposite where these guys just gave out free hugs. We decided to have a go.

'Hey, free hug?' Many people walked past not having a clue who we were and/or just finding us strange. I mean, would you find it normal seeing 3 guys giving out hugs on the street?

After the (failed) hugging session we took a quiet stroll along the beach, I loved the beach so much. There's no beach near me at home so I loved going abroad just for beaches! I always felt like a little kid getting so excited to play in the sand. I also couldn't wait to go home, of course. I mean, it's all well and good being out here because it's amazing but you can get a little homesick when you're away from home for a long time.

'Hey boys, come check this out' James called out after me and Connor.

'What is it?' We asked as he approached us.

'Take a look at Lucy's Instagram..'

Me and Connor stared at the phone then to eachother then back to the phone. Either she took a picture with Tristan the day of the video shoot and just uploaded it or she's with him right now! No, it must be the first option..

'Shall I ring him?' Connor offered.

'Guys, do you really think Tris would do that though? I mean he knows what went down with you and Jas so I don't think he would'

'What actually did go down? I don't actually know..'

'Yeah Con's right, I don't know either? Actually, have you even told any of us?'

'She was just a bitch alright, that's all you need to know' I started getting worked up.

'Riiiiiight' Connor broke the awkward silence. 'Shall we just go back to the hotel?'

'And walk in on Tris and Lucy? Ha no thank you' I gave James 'the look' as if to say his joke wasn't funny in the slightest.

'Ugh let's just go back, I doubt they're even together'

So we walked back to the hotel, me praying Lucy wasn't in our hotel room. I'm not sure what I'd do if she was to be honest, I didn't really want to believe it. As we approached our rooms, I took a deep breath before opening the door. I walked in to see Tris just lying in bed watching TV.

'Oh, everything alright Brad? You're back early'

I looked around the room before saying hi. 'Yeah, wasn't the same without you man. So, you've just been in bed all day then?'

'Yep, me and the bed have been having some bonding time. We're now besties'

'I bet' I muttered under my breath. 'So, no visitors then?'

'Visitors? Who would visit me, I don't know anyone else except you and the boys' Tristan laughed.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a silver bracelet that looked kind of familiar. I walked over and picked it up. It had a star pendant hanging off it that said, 'you're my star' and I instantly knew Lucy had been in here.


 'Woah what?! What have I done now?!'

'This is Lucy's bracelet! I know she's been in here!'

'I don't even know what you're talking about like honestly, she's not been in here!'

I stormed out. Of course she'd been in here, I'd recognise that bracelet. (Yes, I know it's a cheesy bracelet but hey, we were like 15 ok). How could Tris lie to me? Actually, why did he even go there in the first place?! Ugh.

That evening me and Connor swapped rooms so he was in with Tris and I was with James.

'Hey man, do you mind if I skype Jas? I kinda just want to talk to her alone'

'Yeah sure man, no worries. I'll go see what the others are up to, shout if you need anything!' He said, as he walked out the room.

Finally, some alone time. Joe decided to fly back a day early to see his girlfriend so it was just the 4 of us. Ah well, only one more day to go and then home. I turned my laptop on, opened up skype and began calling Jas. I then realised it was 8 in the morning meaning I would be waking her up.

'Hello?' She sleepily said as she fixed her webcam to focus on her.

'Morning beautiful, I'm sorry to wake you up'

'Hey, it's fine. Are you alright?'

'Yeah and no but I'll get to that later. How are you?'

'Not bad' she yawned. 'Please tell me what's wrong, I know you wouldn't ring this late just for the sake of it'

I sighed. 'Tristan's with Lucy'

She didn't say anything for a while.

'Excuse me?'

'Yep, you heard me right. I found her bracelet in our room. He's been spending every day in the hotel room whilst me and the others have been out. He says he's not feeling well but clearly something's making him feel better!'

'Ugh, Brad, please. I don't need that image in my head!'

'Sorry. I don't know why it's just really angering me when it shouldn't?'

'No, it's winding me up to. He's my brother for god sake! I'll talk to him'

'No! Don't! He'll know I've said something then. Just wait until we're back, then slip it into conversation'

'Hmm. I miss you' She pulled a sad face.

'I miss you too baby. One more day' I smiled.

She smiled back and we talked a bit more. It was coming up to 1am my time so we ended the conversation before I ended up falling asleep on her. One more day, that's all. Just one more day.



Did you like the fetus vamps thing I included with the free hugs ;) faves. Annnnyway I always apologise for the long updates because I feel bad and I feel like people have stopped reading because I long my updates out, sorry :(

It's nearly coming to the end! sigh. But don't worry, I'll try and speed it up so you're not waiting ages for the end.

Oh yh, I got into uni!!! Which means, I'm gonna aim to finish this before I start which gives me 5 weeks aaah. But yeah, I don't know if I'll write another book or a sequel because of uni but who knows, we'll see. But yeah, 5 weeks and the end of Torn will (hopefully) be here!

I really hope you've liked reading it so far and if you're still reading it then ily


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