Chapter 3- do I tell her?

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'Oh sorry, was I interrupting something' Brad turned to leave.

'No no. Holly was just about to go!' I gave Holly the 'leave so we can talk in private' look.

'Yeah erm I'll text you later Jas? Bye Brad'

Holly left and it suddenly fell silent. I turned on the TV acting as if everything was normal and I never saw the text or tweet. Brad tried talking but he was so quiet I couldn't hear him over the TV.

'Jas, I.. I'm really.. Look what I'm trying t..' He took the remote and turned the TV off. I turned to him.

'Everything alright?' I acted obvlivious.


Brad's phone went and he disappeared again. 'Sorry Jas, I've got family stuff to deal with! I'll ring you later!'

Why is he lying to me, I don't get it! I fell head first on the sofa and just burst into tears. It felt strange because I hardly ever cry and also, I didn't really know what I was crying about? Is it that my bestfriend is lying to my face or maybe my 'perfect' summer is being ruined? I have no idea. I was probably lying on the sofa for about an hour before I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up and quickly tried to wipe my face. It was Brad.

'Hey listen I'm so sor- wait, Jas, have you been crying?! What happened, who's made you cry?! Tell me now and believe me I'll make them cry a lot more' Brad started getting worked up and I just went to sit back on the sofa not knowing what to say.

'It, it's nothing' I sighed. 'I just miss my parents, that's all'

'Oh Jas come here!' He sat on the sofa next to me and pulled me in for a hug. I could feel his heart beating fast from his anger and I just closed my eyes.

*Brad's POV*

I looked down and saw Jas asleep on me. It was difficult to move so I just left her there. I rested my head back and let out a big sigh. Do I tell Jas what James has said? No, it would make our friendship awkward and I can't risk losing her after everything we've been through. But what if it doesn't ruin it, what if it makes it more amazing? I don't know. Could I tell her I like her? And that James likes her too? No, she'd think it was ridiculous. Besides, her and James aren't as close as we are so she wouldn't believe he liked her. I turned to look at Jas, she looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. It was reaching half 10 and I slowly got up making sure I didn't wake her. I got a blanket and wrapped her up in it. I left her a note to wake up to.

'Hey you, didn't want to wake you so I left you to it. Sorry I've been a bit distant today, I promise I'll come round tomorrow, spend the whole day with you and tell you everything that's going on. I hate seeing you upset so hopefully I'll be able to cheer you up! Love you Jas xxx'

I walked home just overthinking and overthinking. I have to tell her tomorrow, I can't keep acting weird around her or I could lose her. We've never had an argument and we've been friends all our lives, amazing right? Hmm, I'll just say it how it is and hope for the best. I got home and just collapsed on my bed. I couldn't get to sleep so I just lay there thinking again.

*Jas' POV*

I woke up really confused and with panda eyes as I had been crying and didn't take my makeup off before sleeping. I looked at my phone to find 3 text, 2 from Holly and 1 from Brad.

*Message from Bradders*

'Hey, I know you'll read my note when you wake up but I just want you to know that I love you more than anything and you'll always be my bestfriend no matter what. Just thanks for being you Jas, you're the best xxx'

I felt a huge drop in my stomach like when you're going down on a rollercoaster really fast. Why did he make it sound like something bad was about to happen? And what note? I saw no note. I ran upstairs to put my phone on charge and rang James immediately.

'Yeah it's me, everything alright?'
'No. No everything's not alright ok. I want you to tell me everything right now, why are you making Brad choose between us? What do you have against me?' I could feel myself starting to well up and tried my hardest not to cry.
'Wait, what? What has Brad told you? I haven't told him to do anything I promise you'
'Then why is he making me feel like I've done something wrong? I saw the text from you about saying something bad about me, why? What have I done to you?' My eyes started watering.
'Look, Jas, please just talk to Brad. I'm not about to get in the way of your friendship so just wait and hear what he has to say'

Hearing that I just dropped my phone and burst into tears. Why are they both making it seem like I'm about to lose Bradley? I really can't take this, I just want to know what was going on! Everything was going well until that stupid text from James ugh why did I read it. Why didn't I just ask Brad about it in the morning instead of acting like nothing was wrong? All these questions going round in my head started to give me a headache. I got up and looked in the mirror.

'Come on Jas, you're much better than this. Brad would have told you if you're friendship was about to end. Just hear what he has to say before jumping the gun.'

I took a deep breath, wiped my face and went downstairs to get breakfast. It was 11am and I heard the door go. Uh oh, I was in my trackies with my hair in a messy bun. I wasn't expecting any company for another couple of hours. I went to the door and opened it to a quite perky Brad.

'Oh erm hi, sorry I look a right state... I thought you'd text before coming round!'

'Oh don't be silly, you still look beautiful' Brad let out a little giggle which I found really cute. 'So Jas, I know it's early but I did promise I'd spend the day with you so you're not getting rid of me anytime soon!' He winked and jumped on the sofa.

Everything was normal, this is the Brad I loved. I wonder how long it would stay like this though.

So I decided to make this chapter a bit longer than usual as I won't be updating over the weekend because I'm busy! But yeah, I hope whoever's reading it is enjoying it! Leave a message or tweet me @ohhthevamps and let me know what you think!:)

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