Chapter 54

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It hurt seeing Brad talking to another girl at the pub last night, I won't lie. But I guess this is his way of trying to move on? Without sounding vein, I didn't think he could move on so quickly or at all for that matter.. I guess I was proved wrong tonight. I knew going out last night was a bad idea, of course Brad was going to be there! I don't think he took much notice of me anyway.

Last night was my first night out with everyone since what happened but it felt like nothing was wrong, it felt good. At first it was a bit awkward but as the night went on it got better. I've been back to school since everything and it wasn't actually that bad. I mean, obviously people asked questions but Holly and Jenn knew the truth so that's all that mattered. Tonight we were having a girls night in as Tris was staying round Connor's, my mum was at my aunties and I didn't want to be alone.

'Right, so first things first! Holls, when were you planning on telling me you were going out with James?!' I was still surprised at finding this out to be honest.

'Well you had a lot of stuff going on, I didn't really know how to fit it in..'

'So we're all dating members of the same band? Wow' Jenn and Holly started laughing. 'Oh I erm wow I'm so sorry Jas, I didn't mean- I forgot, I'm sorry'

'No don't worry' I smiled. 'It is quite strange though, you two are living literally every fangirls life!'

'Oh don't, somehow fans have found out about us and I've gained at least 2k followers on twitter!'

'Me too! Jas, how did you keep up with any of this when you were with Brad?!'

'Oh I don't know, they weren't like mega famous then anyway so it wasn't so bad'

'Hey Jas?' Holly asked.


'If you don't mind me asking, do you miss Brad?' I saw Jenn kick her as if to say 'don't say that!'. 'Oh sorry no forget I asked'

'No, it's fine. If you guys can't ask me that then who can, right?'

'You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to'

'No, no, it's fine. I think it's obvious to the whole world that I miss him but I can't take him back.. Well definitely not yet anyway'

'So you would get back with him then?'

'Holly stop it!' Jenn nudged her.


I chuckled. 'Honestly, it's fine girls! Don't feel like you have to walk on eggshells around me ok'

As the night went on we did the usual girly sleepover things like watch movies, do our nails, gossip and stuff our faces with chocolate. It was nice having the girls around for a change. Although living with Tris is near enough the same as having a sister! It got to about quarter past 11 and Jenn got a text from Connor inviting her and us out with the others.

'I can say no if you want?'

'Oh, no you guys go ahead don't worry. I'm not really feeling up to it anyway' I lied.

'Are you sure?' Holly asked.

'No this is our girls night, we're not leaving' Jenn smiled.

'Don't be silly, go! Enjoy yourselves!'

'Really? Are you sure you don't want to come out?'

'Yeah come on Jas, it'll be a laugh!'

'No honestly I'll be alright'

'Mwah, I love you. Call us if you need anything or want us here ok!'

'Yes yes I will, have fun!'

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