Chapter 63

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Week 2 and I'm finally getting used to the boys not being 1 minute away from me. I haven't spoken to Brad since the video shoot so I have no clue what's going on. I have a lot more important stuff to worry about.

We had mocks coming up and I was pretty nervous about Psychology. It's not the exam itself, it's all the case studies you need to know for the exam! There's probably about 75 (maybe not exactly that much) but only like 3 will come up in the exam. To make matters worse, Psychology is right in the middle of my exams so there's no space for anything else! Me, Jen and Holly all took Psychology so had a study session around Holly's today.

'I don't understand why we have to know ALL of these. I bet you any money the ones we study the most don't even come up in the exam!'

'Yeah, you're probably right but remember, the ones in our mocks definitely won't come up again in the actual exam so that's 3 less to learn!'

'Ugh, girls. Please tell me why I took the subjects that involve the most work, I want to shoot myself' Jen whined.

'Well, that's what you get for taking Maths, History and Psych for A2' Holly laughed.

'Wow, thanks for the support guys!' You could hear the sarcasm in her voice.

'You should have been like me and Jas and took the creative subjects'

'Well I'm not creative in the slightest so why take a subject I'm gonna fail?'

This is true. I thought I was bad at being creative and all that but Jen definitely beats me there! I wouldn't say I'm the most creative out of us, that's probably Holly. Holly is the most amazing artist I've ever seen! I've been models for a few of her pieces and she's just incredible, you'd actually think it was a photograph!

I'm more the photographer one out of us, I love taking pictures. Every birthday and Christmas there'd be some new camera I'd want and I got it. It'd be all I asked for. I find it so fascinating, like the way you can capture something without even meaning to and it turns out to be the best photo you took all day.

That's one thing Lucy could never stand, the way I was always better than her at her favourite subject. Ok, that sounded big headed.. I meant the way people said they liked my pictures or the way I portrayed them as opposed to hers. She hated the fact I got more recognition than her. But that's just one thing on the long list of things we hate about each other.

'Right, let's test each other! For every question we get right, we have to errrm..'

'Let's do shots!'

'Holl, it's 3 in the afternoon....'

'Yeah but we're not going to get shit-faced are we? Remember, we actually have to get the questions right..'

2 hours and 22 shots later, we decided to call it a day.

'Oh girls, I feel like the room keeps spinning, what the hell was in those shots?!'

'Oh be quiet you lightweight!' It was true, I was definitely the lightweight out of the group but then again I've never really been that much of a keen drinker.

'Hey talk softer would you? I want my bed' I was clutching my necklace from Brad.

'Aw that's pretty, who gave you that?'

'Brad, before he left for America. It's beautiful' I smiled.

'Right, come on you, let me get you home before we all start getting emotional over them boys!' Holly grabbed our coats and we went home.

When I got home I walked in to see mum in the kitchen. She was working from home this week so we decided to spend the whole weekend together. We haven't really spent much time together and been ourselves since dad died so it was weird but nice. All I wanted to do is go straight to bed, even though it was only 6pm, but mum had other ideas. We went over to see Brad's parents and our mums had a bit of a catch up. Being in his house suddenly made me miss him loads, especially seeing Jesse.

'It was lovely seeing you again Anne-Marie, you must come round one evening once the boys are back home'

'Oh yes we'll definitely plan something!' She turned to me. 'Bet you can't wait until our Bradley is home, right Jas?'

'Hm yeah can't wait' I forced a smile.

'Anyway, we better be off. Speak to you soon'

We left and started walking to town for coffee.

'What was all that about?'


'That, just then. You didn't seem overly pleased about Brad coming home?'

'No, I am. I'm just tired'

'Jasmine. This is me you're talking to, your mum. Now spill, what's he done?'

'Lucy's back on the scene'

'Lucy? That stuck up wh- erm, stuck up girl that went out with him a couple of years ago?'

'Yeah her. And she's only gone and got herself a part in their music video hasn't she! Not to mention the fact she's in the same hotel and sees him all the bloody time'

'Hang on a minute, is this the girl Tristan kissed?'

'Tristan? Mum we've known him for not even a year, how could he possibly kiss a girl Brad hasn't seen in 2 years that we'd know about?!'

'No, I mean out there! On the video shoot!'

'Mum, are you feeling ok? You're making no sense'

'You don't know?'

'Know what?'

'Something about Brad having to kiss some girl in the video but Tris took his place instead?'

I stood in silence as my eyes widened.

'Ok, why am I getting a feeling that this is the first you're hearing about this?'

'Because it is the first I'm hearing about it! How do you know and I don't?!'

'I was talking to Claire the other day and she was telling me'

'I don't know if I should be angry or happy right now'

'Why would you be angry? Brad didn't kiss anyone?'

'Well he better not have! Ugh, I'll Skype them tonight if they're free'

'Jas, darling, you really need to cut the boy some slack. You snap at him for the littlest things and it's not fair on him'

'Excuse me? Where's all this coming from?!'

'I'm just saying, don't go shouting at him whilst he's away with the band, trust him a bit more'

'Trust him a bit more? That's all I've been doing my whole life, trusting him. Trusting everyone. I have no more trust left for people! Brad is the only person left who hasn't lost all my trust so don't even comment on our relationship when you don't know the first thing about it!'

'Oh sweetheart, wait!' Before mum could say anything else to me, I had stormed off.

I ran to the only place I could, to see dad. Whenever things got tough I'd always run to him, no need to stop just because he's not physically here, right? I didn't say much today, I sometimes just go there to sit and think in the quiet.

It's not that I don't trust Brad, of course I trust him. I know he wouldn't cheat on me, that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about her, that twisted bitch who would most likely worm her way through the boys first as they could convince Brad 'she's changed, she's not like she was 2 years ago' even though no one else knew her except James.

'One more week hey dad? One more week and I can tell Brad everything. You'll support me through my decisions though, right? You want me to be happy, don't you? I know you would. I just hope Brad wants that too, hopefully he understands'

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