Chapter 78

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I felt awkward as soon as Joe said that so I just told the boys I'd see them at home. I saw Lucy on my way home but we just ignored each other.

'Oh hello darling, how was your exam?' My mum was home by the time I got back.

'Yeah it was good'

'That's good to hear. So guess what?'


'I'm on twitter now!'

'Oh my god no way' I laughed.

'I've followed you! Why haven't you followed me back yet?'

'Mum chill, I have a life outside of twitter you know!'

'Oh yeah, like being one half of Brad's girlfriend?'

'Excuse me?'

'It's all over twitter, what happened this afternoon'

'Show me' I looked at twitter on my mum's phone, she was right. 'What the.. News travels fast!'

'So what's she done this time?'

'Told fans she was going out with Brad'


'That's not even the worst part! When a fan called her out in front of us, Tristan stood up for her saying she was actually his girlfriend! He said they used Brad because he's the only one that's come out as being in a relationship'

'That's bullshit right?'

I laughed. 'I hope so!'

'What are you going to do?'


'What do you mean nothing?'

'Nothing mum, and I mean it. I'm so done with being annoyed with her. I've already spent loads of time on her, I don't need to waste my energy'

'You're exactly like your father, you know that?'

I smiled.

I went upstairs and got on with some more revision to take my mind off everything. Tristan came home not long after I sat down to do some work. I heard a knock at my door.


Tristan came in. 'Hey'

'You alright?'

'Think I should be asking you that..'

'Why?' I laughed. 'Oh yeah, is it maybe because you're going out with someone I can't stand, or maybe because you stuck up for her and got her out of a lie or maybe-'

'Yeah, alright, I get that I messed up back there! I've already had a grilling from Joe so save it please'

'Oh I'm not about to have a go, I couldn't care less'


'I'm not about to tell you how to live your life, you're old enough to know what you're doing' I joked. 'But seriously, just know what you're getting yourself into please'

'Anyone would think you were the older sibling' he burst out laughing.

'Hey! I'm just looking out for you ok'

'I know, I know. Thank you' he hugged me. 'But don't worry, I'm not going out with her, I wouldn't do that to you or Brad. I'm not that stupid' he smiled.

'What did Joe say to Brad by the way?'

'You'll have to ask him that, we weren't there for that'

Torn (A Brad Simpson/The Vamps fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now