Chapter 14- hope

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*knock on the door*

'Oh hello Jasmine, come in'

'Thanks Mrs Simpson, is Brad in?'

'Erm yeah he should be, hang on a sec' she went out of the room to yell for Brad but there was no answer. 'Hmm that's odd, I don't remember him saying he was going out today..'

'Oh.. ok.. Well erm never mind then, I'll give him a call later or something. Thanks'

I walked home feeling really down. What have I even done to Brad? Is it even me or is it his 'girl', I wish he would just talk to me.

*Brad's POV*

I heard a knock at the door and recognised Jas' voice when mum opened it. I heard her call my name but decided to keep quiet. I felt like I've left it too long not talking to Jas that it'd just be awkward now. I heard mum coming upstairs, crap.

'Oh my, Bradley you gave me a fright! Why didn't you answer when I called you? Jasmine came round, she wanted to see you'

'Yeah I know.. That's why I didn't answer..'

'What? I'm confused.. I thought you'd be excited to see her, you haven't seen her in ages!'

'Ugh mum just leave me alone, I don't want to talk about it!'

'Alright, sorry for asking.. But let me just say one thing, don't you dare let that girl walk out of your life just because of pathetic jealousy. She's a keeper so you either keep her or watch some other guy treat her the way you should've treated her all along.'

I looked at my mum and she had that 'don't think I don't know what's going on' look. Why does she always have to be right about things? I got up and decided to ring Jas today. I wanted to sort everything out.

*Jas' POV*

So day 3 of Brad ignoring me for no reason. It bugged me a lot because throughout our friendship we've never fallen out. The longest we went without talking was about 2 hours!



Oh hey James, yeah that sounds fun!

Ok then, see you in about half an hour'

Aw James' sister had a dance show this afternoon and he invited me along. She always was my favourite McVey member even though she's about five years younger than me. I ran to get ready as I had to walk to town to meet James and that would take me at least 15 minutes.

As I was leaving the house I saw Brad across the road, I shouted his name and waved but he looked up and then straight back down again. Great. It was all I could think about whilst walking to town, should I have gone over to talk to him?

'Hey Jas, over here!' I looked up to see James calling me over to his family.

'Hey sorry for being a bit late, I guess I underestimated my walking speed'

'Don't worry, the show doesn't start for another 20 minutes or so'

'Oh phew! Didn't want to miss my little Soph now did I' that probably sounded way too patronising, oops.

'You've met my parents before, right?'

'No, just your mum I think. Nice to meet you Mr McVey' I smiled and shook his hand.

'Right, let's go find our seats, I hope they're good!'

'Hello and welcome to the annual dance show by St Mary's academy for girls. We ask that you either turn your mobile phones off or put them on silent as it could distract our dancers. Thank you and enjoy the show'

I decided to turn mine off because let's face it, it's not like anyone was going to contact me. The show lasted an hour and a half and James ran to congratulate his sister as soon as she came off stage. I turned my phone back on and saw I had a missed call from Brad. He probably rang me by accident, he'll text me if he did want to speak to me. Right?

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