Chapter 7- wow

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*Brad's POV*

'Guys what are you doing, I thought you wer- oh! Sorry!'

'Oh, hey mum!'

I jumped up not even realising me and Jas had fallen asleep in eachothers arms again. If only my mum didn't have to come and ruin it..

'Oh, sorry.. I didn't realise I fell asleep I..'

'Oh don't be silly Jasmine, you do look a bit tired though.. Everything alright?'

'Huh oh yeah, I just didn't sleep much last night, I was erm, erm I was missing my parents!'

I looked over at Jas and I could tell she was hiding something. I know she does miss her parents but that wasn't the reason for not sleeping last night, hmm.

'Right well me and your dad are out for the day so lock up when you're going out ok Brad? See you later guys'

'Come on then missy, let's go make some pancakes!'

'Erm, Brad, I think maybe you should leave me to make the pancakes' Jas started cracking up because I had already managed to spill flour everywhere.

'That would probably be best...'

I went to go clean up and as I turned around I was greeted by a handful of flour coming towards my face.


'That's my name' she stood there smiling innocently.

'Oooh I'll get you for this!' I grabbed the flour and chucked it across the kitchen getting it all over her hair.

'BRADLEY SIMPSON I WILL KILL YOU! Ow ow it's in my eye help!'

I put the flour down and ran over to Jas. 'Tilt your head back and don't move' I softly blew into her eyes to remove the flour. She had the most amazing blue eyes you know, I loved them. 'Sorry for getting it in your eye, my aim was just to mess up your hair' I shot her a cheeky smile.

'Is it still in my hair? I just washed it you idiot ugh'

'Well stick your head in the sink and wash it again then!'

'Are you being serious?' She clearly wasn't impressed with my suggestion..

'Here, hold still, you have a bit still in your fringe' I ran my fingers through her hair, getting the flour out. I then tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled.

'What?' She turned away getting all shy.

'Oh er nothing!' Did I make that obvious? I didn't realise I was actually smiling, crap. 'So erm I'm going to go get ready and we'll get something to eat on the way, yeah?'

'Yeah that's fine, hurry up though, I'm starving!'

*Jas' POV*

We had another moment today and I really just wanted to kiss him again! What's happening? Did I like Brad or not? This whole situation just confuses me. I decided to go on twitter whilst I was waiting for Brad but I realised I left my phone up in his room. I went upstairs and heard Brad singing in the shower as usual.

'Now where did I put my phone, hmmm' I was busy searching for it that I didn't hear the shower turn off.

'Oh, hello!'

I jumped to see Brad standing behind me in just his towel. I yelped and quickly covered my eyes. 'Sorry Brad! I was looking for my phone and didn't hear you come out of the bathroom!' I tried to make my way out of the room with my eyes closed (not the smartest idea) and once again ended up falling into Brad.

'Jas, are you ok?'

I opened my eyes to see Brad just standing there holding me. Water dripping down from his curls and onto my hands. He lifted his hand and moved my hair away from my face and rested it back on my hip. I looked into his big brown eyes and felt like I did when we were in this position the other day.


Suddenly I felt my lips crash onto his and his hands were pulling me in closer. I felt my fingers getting tangled in his curls whilst our kiss was getting more passionate.

'Stop!' I pulled away.

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