Chapter 43- I know

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*Jas' POV*

It's been 4 days since we came back from New York and I haven't even spent time with Brad. He's been ignoring my calls and spending basically every day at the studio. We didn't even go to dinner with Connor and his girlfriend that night but Brad didn't even ring to apologise.. He didn't even ring to say anything.

*1 message to Brad*

'I miss you xxxxx'


I answered straight away thinking it was Brad. 'Hello?!'


'Oh, Jenn. It's you. Hey'

'Nice to hear from you too!' She said sarcastically.

'Sorry babe, I thought you were Brad'

'Are you okay? You sound a bit down?'

'It's, nothing' I sighed.

'Right, I'm coming round, I don't care what you say. I'll see you in 10'

Before I could say anything she hung up on me and, like she said, she was knocking at the door 10 minutes later. I opened the door and we went in the front room as my parents were out so I was home alone.

'What, so he's just left you in the dark then?'

'I don't even know. He's not returning any calls and not texting back, I don't know what I've done'

'Well, like, did anything happen in New York?'

'No, it was totally fine! On the last day I kind of broke down to him about how I hated so many things about myself and he told me he loved me the way I was but now I'm feeling like he was just saying all that to get through the rest of our trip and-' I couldn't finish my sentence, I burst into tears.

'Hey, come here you! Don't say that, anyone can tell he loves you so much regardless of what you look like ok. He's probably just stressed with working every day now'

'I know but-'

'But what? He'd be crazy to leave you!'

'I don't know, it just annoyed me a lot. I mean we were even supposed to go out with his band mate, Connor, and his girlfriend the other day for dinner and Brad didn't even ring me to cancel it. He didn't say anything'

'They've just been busy in the studio, I mean they've got this new guitarist  and apparently him and Brad don't get on so maybe it's just that I-' she suddenly stopped talking.


'Errr, yeah?' She looked a bit edgy.

'How do you know all this? I thought you didn't even talk to Brad that much? I mean, it's not like Connor in his band is your boyfriend because that'd be crazy I mean-' I started laughing but didn't see Jenn laughing along, she just looked away.

My eyes widened. 'No. No?! No, no, no. Why didn't you tell me?! All this time you knew your boyfriend was in a band with mine and you didn't even tell me?!'

'So I'm guessing Brad hasn't told you then..'

'Told me what?'

'About what Joe said?'

'What did he say?'

'Oh I, I don't think it's my place to say..'

'Please just tell me, don't leave me like this..'

'Joe said it's best for them to act single while they're starting out just to save any questions and make things easier. That's why I never said anything to you, I mean, it's probably why Brad's been a bit weird with you because he doesn't know how to tell you?'

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