Chapter 86- prom

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The day was finally here.. it was prom! I can't begin to say how long I've been waiting for this day, I know we had prom in year 11 but that was different.. everything would be perfect this time around.

Right, first things first I had to go to my beautician to get my nails done. It was 9am and I was already up and dressed. This is probably the one and only time you'd see me up at this time voluntarily. The girls and I were all getting excited in our group chat, we just wanted the evening to be here already! All of us were booked in for hair and nails this morning so we couldn't talk much.

'See you girls at 6, can't wait!!!'

Tris was still fast asleep by the time me and mum left to go do my things. As my dress was purple I went for dark purple nails. I always loved getting my nails done. Next was my hair appointment. I didn't want anything too fancy so I went with a quiff that led into a side ponytail that was lightly curled. I highlighted my hair blonde a couple of weeks ago so now they've kind of mixed into together and my hair was a very light brown which I loved.

'Wow, I love it!' I said looking in the mirror.

'You'll look amazing tonight darling' my mum said as I turned to her.

'Thank you for all of this mum, I really appreciate it'

'Oh don't be silly, I want you to do things your way for your prom so it doesn't matter' she smiled.

'I don't say it often but I do love you'

'I know you do sweetheart' she said, giving me a hug.

'Right, let's get you home and get you something to eat! You haven't eaten all day'

It had just gone midday by the time we got home and Tristan was still asleep. This boy can sleep for England. I sat in the kitchen with mum and had lunch whilst we just talked. She's always busy with work so we never usually get time to just sit and have catch ups so it was nice.

'I can't wait for tonight, I hope everything goes to plan'

'Of course it will! Why wouldn't it? You have Brad, you have your best friends and you'll have a good night. What could go wrong?'

'You're right. I have everything I need, I should stop being so negative'

Me and mum got carried away talking, we didn't realise the time until Tris came into the kitchen looking like he had just woken up.. Of course he had done, even though it was 3 in the afternoon!

'Morning!' I screamed in his face.

'Oh can you not!' He covered his ears.

'Ooh someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.. What's wrong with you?'

'Nothing, I'm just tired'

'Oh please, the amount of times I've used the 'I'm just tired' excuse.. Now spill, what's up?'

He sighed. 'I'm just not feeling prom ok? I don't know what it is, I just have a weird feeling about tonight'

'Don't say that! I've just got over my fear of everything going wrong!'

'No, no, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to sound negative! Everything will go well, I promise'

'It better' I looked down.


It was reaching 5 o'clock and Tristan was hogging the bathroom. I don't even know what he was doing in ther, probably trying to fix his mop.. He didn't even get it cut before prom, this boy is terrible I tell you.

'Trisssss' I whined. 'Hurry up!'

'I'm nearly done!'

'What is taking you so long?! You're a boy, you don't need this long to get ready!'

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